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The Fallacies Of Reaganism

January 19, 2021

Reaganism began the recent version of conservative concepts in 1981. Before then, liberals were overwhelming conservatives to such an extent that even Nixon could not refer to himself as a conservative, and Reagan had to campaign as a liberal in 1980. He said he did more for education in California as governor than anyone else and he was going to be the education president.

Only after Reagan won did conservatives come out of the woodwork and say here we are. They then described their ethic as a new normal. They assumed it was an obvious improvement over liberalism. Reagan called it morning in America.

Conservatives were certain that their ethic was the answer to everything. It was nothing but corrupt degeneracy. It’s necessary to explain the nature of that corruption and why conservatives assumed it to be a superior ethic, because it is still the background set of assumptions that conservatives operate by.

Most telling is the word normal. To rational persons, the universe determines what normal is. The laws of the universe determine what human problems are and what the answers are. To assume normal could be changed means conservatives are unaware of the universe as the determining influence.

Consider gravity as an example. The metaphor is an apple falling causing Newton to see what gravity is. What was gravity before then? People had to live with gravity without knowing that it existed. Understanding gravity and describing it moved it out of the mystery realm and into the knowledge realm.

The universe and its laws are in the mystery realm to conservatives, because they do not acquire knowledge on related subjects. They live with the laws of the universe without knowing that they exist. So they assume liberals previously created normal and it could be changed. To assume there could be such a thing as a new normal says conservatives do not know that the universe creates normalcy. They assume existence is nothing but a battle between liberals and conservatives with no influence by the laws of the universe.

With those assumptions, life is nothing but a war against enemies to conservatives. So another concern of theirs is that they don't want to have to fight that war with one hand tied behind their back. Government laws and regulations make them feel that they are fighting their war with one hand tied behind their back, as they often state.

The purpose of government laws and regulations is to solve problems through laws of the universe. Conservatives don't know such activity exists. So they try to do away with laws and regulations.

Polluting the environment is an example. Conservatives don't care how much pollution they create, which means they have no awareness of the causes of problems and the answers through laws of the universe. They view pollution laws as nothing but a liberal attempt to screw up their lives.

Conservatives assume there are no consequences to corruption unless opponents create the consequences. Therefore, defeating opponents is assumed to be the answer to their problems. Their whole existence is an attempt to solve their problems by defeating opponents.

With that assumption, competence is not an existing concept. Competence is defined by laws of the universe. There is no such influence in the assumptions of conservatives. They never attempt to do anything that would require competence.

Conservatives approach all problems as a values dispute. Imposing their values is supposedly the answer to all problems. When it doesn't solve their problems, they assume enemies are the problem. There are always enemies opposed to their values, so they never get beyond defeating enemies as the solution to their problems.

Usually, conservatives shrink into the background in attempts to reduce their exposure and opposition, since they lose where realities are significantly developed. But Trump was below that level in obnoxiously trying to impose his corruptions as solutions. So he made claims much more openly than usual, which showed how the mind-frame works. He assumed he was the only one who ever attempted to solve problems related to jobs, manufacturing and international trade. So all he had to do was wish the results into existence with no concept of methods for achieving the results. In other words, having the right values was supposed to be the whole solution to problems.

When none of Trump's attempts solved any problems, he blamed someone else. Finding persons who would worship him was the only solution he knew of.

Realities do not exist in that version of normalcy. Values flowing from subjective concerns create the only methodology for getting results. Since nothing is every accomplished without realities being controlled through knowledge and rationality, enemies are blamed for the inevitable failures. The assumption is that if no one stood in the way, the imposition of values would solve everyone's problems.

The entire mentality of conservatives shows that the underlying problem is an absence of developed realities resulting in subjective assumptions on the order of superstition with no relationship to laws of the universe. Endless problems are created due to conflicts with the objective realities of the universe, while enemies are substituted in for erroneous assumptions creating contradictions and conflicts.


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