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The Trump Fallacy

February 26, 2021

The Trump fallacy is the assumption that he could fire his way to success. In other words, find the perfect sycophant who would solve his problems by getting rid of anyone who doesn't.

How could the selected person know how to solve Trump's problems if Trump didn't know how? That question is too abstract of an evaluation for corrupters. They only get to the fist step of any process.

Solving someone's problems is an extremely complex process. Not getting past the first step could never get the task accomplished. But corrupters are too dumb to know what lies beyond the first step.

Firing to fix is a selection process. Selection assumes the perfect result is out there to be found. That's not knowing what is out there.

That's like finding the perfect rock which can be driven like an automobile. It's missing the process required to get the result that is expected.

Corrupters are that way. They never get past the first impression. Their first impression is, if something isn't right, getting rid of it will fix the problem. Getting rid of everything in front of them doesn't fix their problems, but they don't know it.

If fact, their first impression is always wrong. It's warped by motives. Corrupters are so full of motives that no realities can resolve the resulting contradictions. Realities have to relate properly to realities. Motives disrupt the process. That's why corruption is corruption. It prevents realities from fitting together properly.

That whole world or realities fitting together properly is missing from the assumptions of corrupters. Usually, their problem is concealed in the background and not visible. Trump has no background to his problems. His corruptions are obnoxiously in everyone's faces. So he shows what the nature of corruption is, while all corruption is that way.

A one step solution to all problems is required for persons whose assumptions end with the first impression. The only one step solution that exists is to select for the pre-existing solution, while the pre-existing solutions don't exist.

That's what firing is worth. It doesn't solve problems; it attempts to select for solutions which don't exist.

But firing is just a business formality. Outside of business, the same approach to problems is to get rid of enemies until they stop creating problems. What is left is supposed to be the solution to problems. It's another selection process. Select for the solutions by getting rid of obstacles. Of course, it never solves the problems.

In other words, the cancel culture tries to solve their problems by cancelling everything that is not a solution to their problems. They cancel everything and never solve their problems.

It's not the critics taking up reality concerns who do that. It's the first-impression-is-the-last-impression culture that does that. In other words, after the liberals criticize their enemies, the cancel culture does the firing. It's not the same group of persons. The persons doing the criticizing are the liberals and the persons who do the firing as the fix are the conservatives. Liberals take up realities; conservatives create forces.

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