The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  92

Fraud Is Methodology

March 15, 2023

Results are determined by the method of getting there. So corrupters use corrupt methods, which are infinite and all in contempt for rationality which exposes corrupters for the corrupters that they are.

Fascists assume they are solving their problems by destroying government and social structures. The methodology of destroying essential social structures is never allowable. Corrupters assume it is, because it gets them where they want to be, which is sources of power. Terrorism is only slightly more extreme in doing the same thing—generating the power of destructivity.

Constructive methodology was required to produce existing social complexities, while destructive methodology destroys the results. The differences need to be clarified, since a lot of corrupters are destroying what was previously accomplished.

First, what constructivity is: It allows rather than imposes. Allowing is open ended, so all factors can be relevant. Then the interactions of realities cause constructivity to prevail.

Why that nicety? Because openness allows everyone to be involved resulting in "good of all." Majorities with diversity will always result in generalized benefit. It's not majorities alone that produce good-of-all but diversity with majorities that expands results over a universal domain.

By contrast, imposed results only benefit the persons generating the force and not really them. Corrupters assume they gain something from destructivity, while they shoot themselves in the foot not noticing the extended harm that results. For example, how were the terrorists in Syria going to create a Califate without businesses, government, universities or science?

That's why fraud must be eliminated in solving social problems. Yet physics has produced nothing but fraud for centuries, which is now resulting in a destruction of energy and transportation systems. It's not a dispute; it's a fraudulent method of producing results.

Having know-nothing journalists impose a greenhouse effect upon society with no criticism allowed and real scientists being shoved aside or out of science is extremely obvious fraud. Such fraud is never required for constructive results, only for destructivity, as criticism is always beneficial under all circumstances.

Corrupters pick the result that they want as their version of truth. Carbon dioxide is to liberals as QAnon is to conservatives. It's a methodology which aligns upon motives. Reality is picked from options rather than derived through logical relationships between realities as rationality.

Realities are picked out of thin air by corrupters instead of derived through rationality. Claims have to be absurd to generate power. Absurdity turns realities into forces. Power is control of force in defiance of realities.

Yet corrupters believe in their absurdities. It takes awhile. The more they rationalize the absurdities, the more they convince themselves that the absurdities are true.

But truth doesn't mean the same thing to corrupters. Truth shifts to that which is exploitable. That which serves selfish interests is interpreted as truth in the absence of rationality.

The essence of Reaganism was to re-align social standards upon selfishness. Aligning upon objective realities has always been the equivalent of corruption to corrupters. It's what they used to mean by communism. Now days they are fishing around for a replacement label such as woke or cancel culture; but the purpose has always been to attack rationality as the evil that needs to be defeated.

Rationality is a process, not a conclusion. The conclusions evolve out of the process. In that manner, results get aligned upon "the good of all" instead of the selfishness of persons which is always in conflict with the selfishness of everyone else.

Aligning realities upon self is creating conflict with the universe that defines life and the solutions to problems. It's not only a question of where the focus is located; more importantly it's a question of methodology. Aligning upon self is no methodology at all; it varies and creates contradictions. But aligning upon the universe creates extremely demanding procedures including science, social structures and government. Flushing those demanding requirements down the drain is what Reaganites promoted in saying government is the problem and throwing out essential laws as so-called deregulation.

Now liberals are doing the same thing as the Reaganites in flushing science down the drain to promote greenhouse gases. It's a power mongering ploy in contempt for rationality.

Greenhouse Gases

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
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Consensus As Rightness
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What Corruption Is
How Power Mongering Works
Firing Scientists
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Greenhouse Gases Are An Infantile Assumption
Renewable Energy Is An Infantile Assumption



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