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The Freedom War

February 28, 2021

What conservatives keep telling us is that their primary concern is freedom. What they mean by freedom is the right to victimize other persons for their selfish reasons.

The "Contras" murdering rice farmers in Nicaragua under U.S. control were called "freedom fighters." Freedom was the right to murder.

Conservatives defying orders to wear face masks during the pandemic is called freedom. Freedom is the right to infect other persons with a virus.

There is an underlying mechanism that does that to their minds. Machines in minds do not produce rational or credible results. Rationality prevents such results. It's the lack of rationality in corrupt minds that causes such destructive machines in minds to shape results.

The way it works is that corrupters first need to rationalize their incompetence and corruptness. After the rationalizing gets habitual, it gets focusses and exploited. With a lot of repetition, the machine runs automatically in defiance of surrounding realities.

The machine starts when a rationalization is needed. A rationalization is picked from surrounding realities on the basis of projecting the perpetrator in a positive light. There is nothing positive about the incompetence and corruptness that is rationalized. But the need contradicts the logic. So the result is a form of self-aggrandizement of corruption. Then labels with a positive connotation are attached to the purposes.

Freedom is the catch-all label that conservatives use to rationalize their corruption. Freedom is bigger than corruption, so it erases any opposition to the corruption. Freedom is a basic quality mentioned in the foundations of the U.S. origins as a country. So no one is allowed to question the value of freedom in conservative rationalizations. Corruption is nothing by comparison.

Of all of the grandiose and self-aggrandizing labels to pick from, it is freedom that conservatives choose, because they are hung up on being overwhelmed by rationality. Breaking out of the rationality requirements is freedom to them. Corruption creates their freedom by obliterating the rationality that overwhelms them.

In other words, conservatives are not simply getting some things wrong; they are deliberately getting a lot of things wrong to obliterate the forces related to rationality that overwhelm them.


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