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Fantasy And Fascism


February 21, 2024

So-called renewable energy is so absurdly expensive that it serves no other purpose than glamorizing fascism. And why not, when no one but frauds and morons could claim one molecule in 2,500 in the atmosphere could change climate.

Fantasy is a necessary element of fascism. As a result, fantasy is overwhelming the news, as fascism is generated by incompetent power mongers who take over social structures and convert them into power structures for their personal gain at everyone else's expense.

Fake technology is needed for that purpose. It has endless absurd elements to it allowing unlimited overwhelm of real concerns related to solving problems. Fraud overwhelming rationality is how fascism is created.

Take the endless pretense of improving batteries as an example. There has been no significant improvement since lithium batteries were applied to transportation. Decade after decade, batteries are researched with no accomplishments beyond replacing one problem with another. Yet the fakes endlessly pretend that they are going to solve the battery problem with new research.

There is no such thing as solving the battery problem for contextual reasons as well as mechanical and physical reasons. The size and weight problem would have to be improved by a factor of about 50 for practicality, though the goals of saving mankind are well below the level of practicality.

The contextual problem with batteries is that electricity is such a wasteful form of energy that it used to be used, and should only be used, for specialty purposes. Linearized electrons are too dilute in terms of requiring massive amounts of metals surrounding them. Electrons bumping into the nuclei of the surrounding metals generate heat as wasted energy. metal atomThat problem isn't going to be defied with chemical tinkering. (Heat is the randomized motion of molecules.)

You would think that the endless problems would put an end to the absurdities; but it is the other way around. Absurdities are exactly what frauds need for mongering power. Absurdities are unlimited and illusive giving frauds the freedom to overwhelm rationality with their ignorance.

On top of that, when technology is fantasized, vast resources can be harnessed for the purpose, which becomes a major source of power. Jobs for frauds. With frauds securing their own employment, they can fight their endless war against the lower classes more effectively.

Which shows how economic fraud links to the technology fraud. No one could actually believe that raising interest rates is going to reduce inflation. The fake logic aligns upon reducing the size of the economy, most directly in making loans more expensive, which shows up most visibly in housing mortgages being too expensive for most of society. With such drastic problems being created, prices always increase, they can't decrease.*

Economists have gone through that fraud over and over showing the visible results to be increased inflation but being called reduced inflation. Reversing cause-and-effect is standard operating procedure for frauds. By mixing cause and effect together, the muddle can be described in terms of opposites.

Why? The war against the lower classes has been a preposterously driven element of using fraud to mongering power. Corrupters need to dominate to prevail. They get aligned upon vulnerable persons to make themselves winners at prevailing. Making themselves winners is the defining characteristic of their rationalizations for justification. The resources of society are supposed to be poured onto winners, because the proof is supposedly in the pudding. Why would they be winners, if they didn't know what they were doing? Maybe because they use force and violence to overwhelm society.

*(What happens when interest rates are increased is business becomes more expensive, but in unpredictable ways. Businesses cannot function efficiently with unpredictability; so they have to hedge by increasing prices. If they luck out without problems, they have increased income from hedging, which is called price gouging. Call it anything; but it won't end, when manipulations are making their business more unpredictable. And then there are supply chain expenses that actually increase forcing prices up.)

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