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Fixing Nazism


April 1, 2022

Nazism doesn't get fixed, because the social forces which created Nazism have already destroyed opposition by the time Nazism exists.

Trump was a full-blown Nazi. He reduced government to nonfunctionality and used government for his personal power only.

It wasn't exactly Trump that did that. He was too stupid to accomplish that much. It was what conservatives were trying to accomplish since Reagan established that purpose in 1981, saying government is the problem, while conservatives tried to produce a "new normal." It took 40 years to produce the degree of fascism necessary to get Trump elected. Then Trump was nothing but a figurehead for the purposes that conservatives had been working on for decades including getting rid of government, so corrupters could operate on the basis of whim only.

Everyone else wants Biden to solve that problem. Presidents don't have much power. Even after putting Democrats in control of the bureaucracies, not much can be improved. The Trump Administration shoved out everyone with a degree of competence and experience and left nothing but incompetent sycophants in the bureaucracies. (Fauci couldn't be shoved out so easily.).

So the Democrats have nothing to work with in the bureaucracies and never will have. The shoved out persons got different jobs and aren't going to be going back.

On top of that, the same thing happened in all social structures except physics. In physics, that process started in 1845 with the fraudulent measurement of Joule's constant. Conspirators learned how to destroy the social structures from the physicists.

The fascism transforming into Nazism lowers social standards like smog polluting the atmosphere. That means the public becomes more dependent upon corruption. Corruption destroys the perpetrators more than the intended victims, while corrupters don't know that.

There is an awareness problem. Awareness ends corruption by showing what solves or creates problems. Corrupters are those who assumes corruption solves their problems. So the more problems they acquire, the more belligerent they get in creating problems for others.

Trump was the champion of belligerence in assuming you have to beat someone up to get a better deal. His administration rewrote the trade agreements for that purpose—assuming other countries needed to be beat up to shift trade agreements in a more favorable direction for making American great again.

So the U.S. is on a troublemaking path assuming that no one can defy the world's only super-power. The belligerents didn't notice how weak the U.S. became with fascists becoming Nazis in control of everything.

One of the problems is that there is no longer competent engineers to sustain or improve U.S. technology. Examples are noticeable in military hardware, where the latest battleships are rotting from the inside out due to electrolysis which used to be neutralized by grounding dissimilar metals. Where the latest aircraft carrier only has one elevator for moving aircraft to the surface, because eight elevators were designed for magnetic lifts, while there is no such thing as magnetic lifts. Where the F35 has hundreds of problems which don't get fixed, because no one can manage that much complexity.

Perhaps most significantly, the only solution to the energy problem would be to produce reliable nuclear reactors while using clean coal for the transition. Know-nothings tell us there is no such thing as reliable nuclear, while they assume energy can be extracted from solar and wind which are so dilute that no progress has been made over the past ten years.

The required engineers don't exist for two reasons. One is that incompetent power mongers shoved rational persons out of the social structures and put like-minded incompetents in their place. The other reason is because the education system has been reduced to such a low level that it is not producing competent scientists or engineers.

An example is a book on biology that I encountered in a library speaking of aerobic fermentation and anaerobic fermentation. There is no such thing as aerobic fermentation (in a general sense). Fermentation is defined in science as using a final electron accepter other than oxygen. Other than oxygen means it is not aerobic. What the writers were doing is crossing out glycolysis (breakdown of sugar) and putting the word fermentation in its place, as if they were reverting back to three hundred years ago when anything that bubbled with growth was called fermentation. The branch-points were then two types of fermentation.

The book would have been written for teachers colleges. So the teachers teach from garbage the conspirators impose upon them. Similarly, the use of phonetics to teach reading is abandoned sometimes, which leaves some persons with no ability to read. Also in a similar vein is the new math. There is no new math, there is just math with infinite complexity.

So the science departments and graduate schools are now dependent upon foreign educated scientists and engineers. Then the Nazis (and Nazi wannabes) try to keep foreign professionals out of the country to save jobs for "Americans." That leaves America behind instead of being great again.

Power mongers assume conditions are improving as they reduce social standards to the infantile level that they compete at by eradicating rationality from the social structures. So the belligerence increases, as the U.S. increases the enemies who need to defeat them to solve their problems.

Assuming that destroying economies of enemy countries is nice and justifiable is Nazi stupidity. It's more immoral than thievery in depriving everyone including children and innocent persons of means of existence. Notably, it's a recent concept unheard of outside the newly forming Nazism.

The IMF has been destroying economies through loan sharking and austerity for several decades; but just like physics, it set standards of Nazism when Nazism wasn't cool.

The IMF methodology is to dump overwhelming amounts of cash onto unscrupulous authorities in small countries and then impose "structural adjustments" of their economy, which means firing public workers such as firemen and school teachers to reduce employment as the means of paying back the loans.

Why is increased employment used as a measure of improved economy in the U.S.? Trump supposedly created 288 thousand jobs one month (usually below replacement level) which was said to be evidence of his wizardry in improving the economy. Why is increased employment what Trump was supposed to be producing, while reduced employment is required by the IMF in bankrupting small countries?

Why Nazism

The March To Fascism

Where Fake Science Came From

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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