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Fraud In Conservative Government

April 4, 2024

As fascism takes over the social order, it also takes over the manner in which conservatives promote their wares. Which comes first, the fascism in society or the fascism in the conservative cause? They are chicken and egg related.

The reason why the conservative cause is inseparable from fascism everywhere is because conservatives do not related to government as something different from their lives. Government to conservatives is an extension of their lives into another power structure.

One of the most preposterous manifestations of the conservative version of government is the day dreaming that is supposed to be imposed onto society through government. If the color of trees doesn't look quite right, government should fix that. It's strict constructionism in interpretation of The Constitution.

In other words, conservatives don't have a clue what government and laws are. They simply want to redesign existence in their image. That means a war against the lower classes as the primary result of government.

The problem is who they are, what they do and how they do it. None of that is supposed to be a part of social realities. There is supposed to be objective reality as the basis for human interactions. Conservatives disconnect from objective reality and try to convert existence into their own image. Nothing could be more fraudulent than imposing that purpose onto government.

Solving human problems is a requirement of the laws of the universe. The objective realities of the universe define life and solutions to problems. Solving human problems by aligning upon the objective realities of the universe is the only way human life can be sustained.

The purpose of government is to create a framework for human activities. Within that framework, people are free to have differences. Conservatives don't have a clue. They assume the purpose of government is to convert the world into a form aligned upon their values with no tolerance of differences.

So conservatives don't look at the framework of government as its laws. They just go to work redesigning the result of government around their values.

The overall consequence is fascism rapidly transforming into Nazism. In that scheme, there is no difference between government intrusion and everyday life. Government is supposed to be imposing the conservative day dream onto everyone. Didn't Reagan say that is what the problem is with "big government." Exactly. That's because corrupters only see a reflection of themselves as the cause of everyone's problems.

In using government as a framework of laws for social interactions, it takes a degree of toleration of differences. Conservatives do not tolerate differences. They are trying to eradicate differences through white racism.

For that reason, conservatives have no respect for the concept of laws existing in government. When Reagan said, government is the problem, he meant the laws of government are the problem, not the use of government as a social force imposing conservative values.

Conservatives assume the country belongs to them as the only valid and rightful owners of the country. Giving themselves ownership of everything is the only purpose of government for conservatives.

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