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Glamorized Corruption


October 3, 2020

Physics is being used to glamorize corruption, and almost nothing other than that. There has not been an iota of correct physics since Newton's laws were produced in 1687.

To glamorize corruption, it has to clearly be corruption. An example is claimed measurement of gravity waves which is so extremely fake that it could not have any other purpose than making corruption as visible as possible. It also functions as a test of society's tolerance for corruption and a normalization of corruption.

Gravity wave measurements supposedly detected motion down to one tenth of an atto meter. That's 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. The measuring equipment must be made of atoms which also vibrate. It means the measurement was supposedly made by atoms vibrating 100 million times more than what they were measuring. That would be proportional to measuring one inch with a ruler which was vibrating 1.6 thousand miles.

No one could get that wrong. It shows that being right is not the purpose. If being right is not the purpose in physics, it's not the purpose anyplace else where corruption is being promoted by power mongers.

Where are those purposes and motives? They are everyplace where truth is trashed and replaced with fakery which has no credibility and cannot be corrected. Corrupters cannot be told, because they don't want to be right.

Do you suppose the purpose of being wrong includes greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving? The corruptions on those subjects is extremely easy to explain. The promotion of those subjects has no credibility. Saying renewable energy is "on par with coal" has no credibility, when 15% renewables in the electrical supply increases the cost of electricity by a factor of ten, as occurs in Germany and England. Renewables as solar and wind at 3-5% in California increases the cost of electricity from 4¢ per kilowatt hour for coal to 18¢ pkwh.

Claiming so-called greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere is not credible. Of course, the subject is too complex for nonscientists, but they claim otherwise and cannot be told. They claim they can look out the window and see global warming caused by humans.

The only argument being made anymore for greenhouse gases is authority. Unaccountable authority will always produce corruption when getting such unquestionable power doing so.

The motive for corruption is incompetents wanting to get more out of life than their incompetence produces and mongering power as their method of getting there. Power mongering strips the social structures of functionality to put incompetent corrupters in control of everything. To create a power structure, subservience to power mongers is required. Being winners and glamorizing corruption has the purpose of creating subservience to power mongers.

Fake Gravity Wave Measurements

Fake Physics Defined Greenhouse Gases

How Power Mongering Works

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