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Getting lying Wrong

January 16, 2024

Corrupters assume lying is the answer to everything. They expect to gain an advantage over their enemies by lying.

That's why the more lying Trump does, the more popular he gets. He draws in more corrupters by doing more lying.

Lying is viewed by corrupters as a valuable weapon against enemies. So they laugh at Trump's lying assuming he is accomplishing something for their side (of their war).

One of their problems is that they skip over the non-lying. How do they tell the difference between the lying and non-lying? They don't bother to. If they tried to tell they difference they would fail. First, the liars don't bother to producing non-lying most of the time. If then, they need to do some non-lying, they run into two major problems: One, they don't know how. And two, no one believes them.

That's in addition to the fact that corrupters only resort to lying because they are incompetent at producing rationality. That means liars don't have much to offer their sycophants.

So the net effect of lying is tearing down the social order, which no one gains anything from. But bottom dwellers find that result to be acceptable, because they want everyone else below their own feet. After getting others below their own feet, what do they have? They don't have a clue; they just take things one point at a time.

That's how Trump acquires more and more power; and it is a large part of demagoguery. Demagogues appeal to the corruptibility of gullible persons pretending that they have the quick fix to everything through corruption. Corruption looks like magic to the unwary, because very little investment produces big results in destroying enemies.

What corrupters miss is that they have less after destroying enemies. But they get the quantities wrong and assume a little price at destroying enemies will produce big gains at making them somebodies. Then when they fail to get the magical results, they assume enemies must be the cause and they step up their war against enemies.

So corrupters are constantly destroying themselves trying to destroy enemies while being dead certain that someone else has their values and purposes wrong.

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