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Humans Like Cattle

May 16, 2021

The employment problem is dealt with like livestock in a pen. Getting workers back after pandemic cuts has numerous insurmountable problems. So gimmicks are discussed for forcing low class workers to work, such as conservative state authorities refusing to issue federal unemployment benefits as a method of forcing more workers to apply for jobs. Most states are returning to job search requirements for unemployment benefits.

In other words, there is a lot of focus on unemployed workers, and all of it is an attempt to find methods of forcing workers to fill the job openings that employers can't fill. It all is portrayed in pragmatic terms: Workers are needed; many workers are unemployed; find methods of forcing unemployed persons to fill the job openings. It's too much like branding cattle or sheering sheep.

From the conservative perspective, it's total pragmatism. The workers are needed and the jobs are available. Create a force to meet the requirements.

The problem with that method of doing things is that the first requirement is to create a functional economy. No such thing has existed for decades. The conservatives and employers have not been meeting their responsibilities, while all they see is workers not performing as they want them to.

There is a sequence to responsibilities. Persons who are in control must first make something possible before secondary persons can follow up on it. The first step is nonexistent for exploiters such as the conservatives in politics and majority of employers who find a worker shortage.

There are built in contradictions in the existing economy. More and more workers work for the minimum wage. It's about forty percent of the workers in recent times. The minimum wages have been shrinking by not keeping up with inflation, while rip-off profits and investments have skyrocketed.

That's dereliction of responsibilities. The first requirement for responsibilities is a mockery.

Minimum wage workers can no longer meet expenses in typical circumstances. Two overwhelming factors are, increasing healthcare expenses and more expensive housing. Both have been moving out of the realm of practicality and into the realm of rip-off enslavement. Cheap housing is not being produced as it once was.

For these reasons, job openings were exceeding available workers before the pandemic. Help wanted signs were proliferating for two years before the pandemic. Then the pandemic scrambled the problem and made it worse.

Practicality means starting at the beginning. The economy starts with responsible management creating a constructive economy. Skipping over the starting point is not practicality. It is rip-off criminality by irresponsible power mongers who are not qualified to be running other peoples' lives.

Force and violence is how corrupters solve their problems. Problems can never be solved through force and violence. That method creates more problems, because nonfunctionality is produced by force and violence.

One of the most noticeable facts about corrupters imposing force and violence upon vulnerable persons is the mindlessness of the excuses. A fake logic is concocted as the justification. No process or effort exists for drawing the monumental conclusions of corrupters. They pull their conclusions out of nowhere and expect everyone else to live by the frauds.

Centuries of study are blown away by conservatives in imposing their frauds upon society. Year after year and century after century, studies are conducted which show the erroneous claims of conservatives are not true. But conservatives take over sources of power by lying to the public and use that power to impose frauds upon society.

One of the endless frauds of conservatives is their claim that the lower classes refuse to work and must be forced to do so by eliminating social assistance programs. Study after study shows that no one in the lower classes is refusing to work when work is available.

One of the most obvious elements of that fraud is that the social assistance programs in themselves, such as food stamps, do not provide enough assistance to live on, which obviously means food stamps are not keeping anyone from working. Yet conservatives never end their fraudulent claim that food stamps must be denied to the lower classes to force them to work.

What sort of motives drive such fraud? How could conservatives being doing anything else right when producing such fraud? They are corrupters of corrupters fighting a war against the lower classes.

What conservatives are doing is making work impossible for the lower classes by reducing conditions to de facto slavery. Then force is used to push people into a set of conditions which are impossible to meet.

The Nazis showed the motives of that standard. Their purpose was to promote a nonexistent Arian race by getting rid of the worthless eaters. Who could be more worthless than the destroyers who created Nazism?

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