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Homelessness Is Artificially Created

December 23, 2023

It was extremely apparent from the beginning that homelessness was being systematically created, as the types of buildings that the lowest class persons were living in were either bulldozed or converted to other purposes—across the board, all at once with no exceptions.

Now days every attempt to solve the problems is met with obstruction that increases the problem instead of diminishes it. The problems would not be difficult to solve; and solving them would be cheaper than not solving them. But there are persons who turn hell over to prevent the problems from being solved.

That's because homelessness is the final step of a much larger problem that is artificially created by power mongers who are trying to purify the social order for their convenience at everyone else's expense. They want persons who they consider to be undesirable to be shoved out of the social order. What does all of that mean? They don't have a clue; they just react to the forces that conflict with their purposes.

Incompetent power mongers need a homogeneous society to prevent realities from interacting and generating truth about their incompetence and destructivity. All differences cause realities to interact, while all interactions of realities generate truth. Creating homogeneousness of realities is how corrupters attempt to put an end to that process in generating truth.

A homogeneous society must be reduced to simplicity to be controlled by incompetent power mongers, because they can't handle complexities. They conspire with other like-minded persons to generate the power of numbers which they use to bowl over ordered existence.

They assume that worthies must be built up and unworthies must be stomped out of existence to eliminate their problems. The unworthies are all persons who are different than themselves. Those persons are now days shoved out of society and into homelessness.

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