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Jawed Fish Error


October 1, 2022

Paleontologists are wrong about their recent jawed fish discovery, because they don't study evolution physiology, they just study bones.

They assume that the chain of evolution went from soft-bodied fish around 541 million years ago to jawed fish 439 mya. They missed everything in between.

The main thing they got wrong is the assumption that bones evolved out of soft-bodied fish over 100 million years. That didn't happen, because bones had to evolve over land, as shown by cartilaginous fish such as sharks. Without a gravity problem, cartilage evolved but not bones.

That's why it took 100 million years to get to bones. The soft-bodied fish had to evolve into amphibians which could crawl onto land, before bones could evolve. The bony amphibians then had to go back into the oceans to create boney fish.

The chain of evolution for cartilaginous fish has never been interrupted, which is why sharks still have cartilage instead of bones.

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