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Journalists Promote


June 18, 2022

Journalists are more and more promoting instead of informing; but that result varies from one journalist to another. In Promoting, information does not get produced. In fact, subject matter gets highly skewed and deficient.

That type of journalism looks more like a political campaign than reporting. But a political cause is not really the shaping influence. What lies behind the promoting is values and purposes.

The reason for the corrupt journalism is reduction in social standards which is part of the increasing fascism. Fascism is the socialization of corruption. In other words, when low-standard persons see others doing a lot of corrupting, they assume they can get by with something similar.

What fascism shows is that standards of constructivity are set by rational persons; and it's a lot of work creating constructive standards. To the extent that social standards are not being propped up, corruption rises to the surface as being more and more acceptable.

There was a highly visible process to the social deterioration. During the 1980s, rational persons were expressing serious concerns for the collapse of standards, as Reaganites threw out and disrespected laws and social standards. What rational persons saw happing during the Reagan years is what became highly visible during the Trump years—a trashing of the social standards needed for solving problems. It was like a slow motion collapse of a building from 1981 to 2017.

Behind that collapse of social standards lies the values and purposes promoted by decadent journalists. To a large extent, producing the social collapse is the purpose of incompetent corrupters. They feel threatened by ordered existence, because the complexities leave them out of the processes.

Necessity could force incompetent corrupters to find places in an ordered and complex society; but they would be slaves to values and purposes which corrupters don't have. So when corrupters encounter the opportunity to change the standards, they promote the transition to fascism as dismantling of ordered existence and resulting social complexities which otherwise leave them behind.

That process is what decadent journalists are promoting: a fascist reduction of ordered existence giving them more freedom to arbitrate and dominate without the requirements of rationality.

With fascism, reducing the social order to irrationality is a cause. Rationality is the intolerable set of requirements that corrupters find to be restricting their ability to prevail. Prevailing is the defining concern of incompetent corrupters. The primary obstacle to prevailing is rationality creating ordered complexities.

So corrupters fight a war against rationality without knowing what rationality is. They simply feel the forces of imposing demands from rationality. Since the forces are unacceptable to them, they assume rationality is the cause of corruption.

There is a reversal process to corruption. In the need to rationalize corruption, corrupters need to reverse truth. That task is so perpetual that it becomes a habit, while corrupters convince only themselves with the fakery of their rationalizing. They believe in their lies, which results in reversing right and wrong.

What the decadent journalists are promoting is an attack upon rationality. That means defiance of what they are supposed to be doing. Over time, truth evolves on any subject; so corrupting becomes a defiance of evolved expectations.

In other words, decadent journalists make it a point to defy the rules of proper journalism by not providing the needed information to properly evaluate a subject.

Accusing is an example that journalists seem to have picked up from conservatives. Accusing is making claims without the specifics needed for clarification or evaluation. Just trust us that Biden destroyed the economy. You don't need to know how, because we have it all figured out.

Journalists are imposing the economic assumption that dollars control inflation; and therefore Biden created inflation by providing too much money for combatting the pandemic. Wasn't the three trillion tax dollars burnt by corporations during the Trump years supposed to be good for the economy?

Corrupters are all over the map with no concerns for self-contradictions, because there are no consistent realities without rationality.

Journalists are reality controllers for fake economics just as they are for fake science and technology.

Why would businesses charge more when people buy more products? More selling means efficiency of scale.

The pretense of corrupt economics is that the more money people have, the more irrational they get in spending it and that producers can't keep up with demand when demand increases. Those premises are absurdly in conflict with obvious human patterns and production processes.

There is no basis for that premise, as most persons still have so many unmet needs that they don't get wasteful when they acquire more money. Even the gamblers will skimp in one place to lose more money in gambling.

One of the premises of fake economics is that more availability of money results in too much demand and too little supply of products. That's a stone-age assumption where flint was hard to get. Modern production doesn't operate that way. Producers always want more consumers; and the more money available and the larger the scale, the easier demands are met.

Demands are not being met at this time for many reasons, all unrelated to money supply. When key products become unavailable, the causes trace back to decadent history, not increased money supply. Often, the bureaucrats were supposed to be preventing such problems but didn't.

When liberals acquire power every four or eight years, conservatives go into an obstruction mode trying to prove that only conservatives can create a social order. The extremely obnoxious results that have been occurring with bureaucratic complicity show the motive of obstructionism. In fact, corrupters obstruct progress no matter who is in power, but they prefer conservatives being in power, because corrupters have found the conservative cause to be where corrupters prevail. None of that has a thing to do with money supply.

Decadent journalists put Trump in power by equating him with normal or competent politicians which he never resembled.

The primary method decadent journalists use to promote Trump is to quote every word of his with no related realities that would expose the perverseness of his words, as if the corruption would speak for itself. Without the contradicting realities, Trump gets free publicity with no negatives.

Of course, opponents and commenters tear Trump to shreds; but they are off to the side and not defining the recorded history. The news producers record the history, while propagandists continuously redefine the past for their purposes, such as Putin deciding to destroy democracy and freedom in Europe out of the blue with no reason for doing so.

Then there is the tertiary effect of a developed power structure that needs fake reality to prevail. Over time, power mongers dismantle ordered existence and replace it with their whimsical perversions including fake science and technology.

Decadent journalists shaped fake science and technology by imposing the frauds onto everyone. Politicians have no other reality to work with, as politicians and lawyers are in no position to study science. Even the oil companies were forced to pretend that they are removing carbon dioxide from the air, and they are being sued in the courts for not doing so sooner.

Only the journalists have a voice in the matter. No one else has the means or methods. When critics attempt to do corrections, they are now days being shoved off the platforms needed to develop realities. Under the guise of keeping disinformation off the media platforms, criticism is being prevented, while no decrease in fraud is occurring, as if journalists and power mongers didn't know the difference between criticism and fraud.

Criticism is explaining; fraud is imposing without explaining.

Both Sides-ism

The most noticeable element of corrupt journalism is called "both sides-ism" by critics, which is sometimes called false equivalents. That means two sides are equated for social disputes, where there are not two sides to the subject. In general terms, there is a wrong and a right to most disputes, where wrong and right and not equal. By making them equal, the wrongs are put on an equal footing with the rights, which is a major enhancement of the wrongs.

Right and wrong require vastly different methodologies. What is right is determined by realities and is therefore explained. What is wrong is in conflict with realities and is not explained but imposed. Wrongs are represented by fake values and lies which do not stand up to evaluation and are not explained.

Realities define validity, because the objective realities produced by laws of the universe define life. That means validity is determined by explaining the realities. And the corollary is that wrongs can only be promoted by defying the realities.

Instead of corrupters solving their problems through rationality which condemns them as the incompetent corrupters that they are, corrupters solve their problems through criminality and undefined equivalents in destructivity. Both sides-ism equates the valid constructivity with the destructivity.

Relating to Trump as a president doing what presidents do is equating a destroyer of Government and Nazi want-to-be with valid officials. Since it is common to refer to presidents by first names and sometimes initials, there is no justification in even using the word president with such a destroyer as Trump.

In other words, without the explanation of all relevant realities with claims, corruption gets elevated to an equal status with rational and valid existence. Corrupt journalists are doing that, as they integrate their journalism with the fascism overwhelming society. Fake science, technology and economics could not exist otherwise; and Trump would never have gotten elected otherwise.

What Trumpism Is

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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