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Lightbulb Fraud


August 1, 2023

Incandescent lightbulbs were outlawed, because they put carbon dioxide in the air. Why don't electric vehicles put carbon dioxide in the air? Transportation being converted to electrical energy is said to be carbon free.

Journalists list a string of reasons why incandescent lightbulbs are bad and LED lightbulbs are good including how long they last and how cheap they are.

A few days ago, I went after LED lightbulbs; and a pair was priced at $18. I got them at a different place where they were $9 per pair. The things were lasting about a year at 75 or 100 watt equivalents.

The reason why there is metal around the stem of most LED lightbulbs is because the metal carries away heat (wasted energy) produced by the electronic circuits. Converting 120 volts ac to 5 volts dc requires complex circuitry which generates heat in addition to the light emitting diode producing heat. The heat creates deterioration.

There are still incandescent light bulbs going from the 1890s. That's because removing the oxygen prevents the metal filaments from oxidizing. About 60 or 70 years ago, incandescent light bulbs were rated about 20,000 hours. Around the 1980s, the number was 5-10,000 hours. Around the turn of the century, it was about 2,000 hours. Then 1,000 hours; and by the time they were outlawed, 400 hours.

That's because the amount of oxygen left inside and strength of the metal filaments was tailored for screwing the public. LED bulbs aren't a real improvement over incandescents. There is more junk in LED types for screwing the public, while journalists say the opposite.

Incandescent light bulbs should cost 50¢ each and last for centuries. In fact, after the Soviet Union collapsed, East Europeans started buying western light bulbs and they wondered why they were burning out. The Soviet light bulbs were not burning out.

Bitcoins are created through a needless contest which burns 113 trillion watt-hours of electricity every year. That's the equivalent of leaving a 100 watt incandescent light bulb on continuously in every household (129 million households). That needless farce is encouraged, while light bulbs are outlawed. It says power mongers fight a war against human existence because of their need to dominate to be winners by getting everyone else below their own feet.

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