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Political Philosophy  373


Lawlessness Amplified

March 26, 2024

The spearhead of fascism is lawlessness amplified. Fascists need lawlessness, because their purpose is to defy ten thousand years of social evolution in promoting constructivity and protecting society from the destructiveness of corruption.

Breaking down the lines, walls and barriers to destructivity is the necessary first step for corrupters taking over society by imposing their destructivity onto everyone.

Destroyers cannot tolerate impositions upon themselves. They require uninhibited freedom to destroy. The most significant forces taking away their freedom to destroy are oriented around validly created laws.

For that reason, much of what promoters of fascism do is designed to dramatize lawlessness to show that the social standards can be changed. Examples are needed for that purpose, because corrupters cannot operate through rationality and need to use examples to show results. Showing what they can get by with tells others that they can get by with something similar.

When Reagan said, government is the problem, he meant the laws of government, which Reaganites proceeded to get rid of through so-called deregulation. Reaganites said laws were forcing them to fight their war with one hand tied behind their backs. It was supposed to be both hands tied behind their backs, because they weren't supposed to be fighting any wars.

Trump maximizes lawlessness in his attempts to overwhelm the processes which limit his attempts to exploit through fraud. Other corrupters usually speak in opposites to conceal their corruptness. Trump doesn't know how to conceal his corruptness; so he tries to overwhelm with corruption instead of conceal corruption.

Freedom is the central point that conservatives harp on. Why are they so obsessed with freedom in "the land of the free?" Because they don't want to be limited by the freedom that requires boundaries and limits like traffic signs that create freedom to drive. They want the freedom to overwhelm and defy to prevail. Laws are designed to prevent that result.

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