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The Meaning Of Polarization

April 1, 2024

Propagandists have been focussing on polarization attempting to exploit it for their conspiracy purpose. The numerous facets need to be looked at in pieces of the whole.

First is the nature of the conspiracy. Corruption creates conspiracies—so much so that the Bible uses the terms sin and conspiracy interchangeably. That's because corruption is promoted through force. Forces are extremely simplistic, which means easily aligned upon motives; and therefore reality differences disappear with corrupt motives. It doesn't take a round table to conspire corruption; it just takes the motives to do so.

So corrupters are constantly trying to rationalize the virtues of corruption; and they use the power of numbers to overwhelm realities. With propaganda, the power of numbers is largely faked in the attempt to decree success in overwhelming rationality.

One of the most common propaganda tools is false equivalents. It's an attempt to make the intolerability of corruption look equal to the constructivity of rationality. Good and bad politics are constantly equated as equal for that purpose. Political polarization is an example.

Poles tend to be somewhat equal. So the term is inherently an equalization of differences. Try to guess which side is good and which is bad in the propaganda of two sides being polarized. Any good guess is not apt to be what the propagandists are claiming.

More basically, the increasing conflicts are due to increasing corruption overwhelming rationality. With total rationality, there would be no conflicts. With total corruption, there would be nothing but conflicts. So the cause of polarization is not two equal sides in conflict with each other, as propagandist try to indicate. The two sides are not equal when rationality and corruption are in conflict with each other.

Equating good and bad improves the bad and degrades the good, which is the entire purpose of discussing polarization where good and bad are in conflict with each other.

The reason for the increasing focus on polarization is to generate a force which says, stop the process. What process? Confronting corruption with rationality is the process.

What the conspirators want is to pretend that everything is just fine, as corrupters take over everything. There is supposed to be no opposition, while criticism is the essence of rational opposition.

To erase the polarization is to allow the corrupters to keep corrupting without rational persons criticizing the corruption. It's the criticism that creates the polarization, not the corruption. Corruption with no criticism is not polarized. It's nothing standing in the way of corrupters taking over everything.

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