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Mis-Shaped Social Reality

May 12, 2022

Large-scale social realities such as global warming, fighting wars and economic problems get corrupted, as power mongering conspirators attempt to reshape realities for exploitation. Realities need to be mis-shaped to be exploited by corrupters, because truth defeats corrupters and exposes them for the incompetent corrupters that they are.

When realities are stripped of objective realities linked to the universe, they become malleable for exploitation and nonfunctional for solving the problems of society—just the ticket for putting incompetent corrupters in control of our lives.

Corrupters assume that reality must come out of a dark hole. If you can see where it comes from, it must be a contrivance. That's because corrupters can maintain control over vagaries by changing their story as needed while using force to impose their claims onto everyone.

Rationality makes the source of reality visible as cause-and-effect relationships. Explanation of claims is required to create the visibility. Visibility creates accountability by exposing inconsistencies and contradictions.

For that reason incompetent corrupters hate rationality. If you can see what the truth is, demands are placed upon corrupters which they can't meet. If reality comes out of a dark hole, corrupters are freed from the demanding requirements of rationality.

Corrupters promote rather than describe. Promoting is a power mongering endeavor based upon the authority to impose, not a rationality endeavor based upon information giving people the right to decide for themselves.

That's why Christ said to look and listen to acquire understanding and judge for yourselves what is right. To allow incompetent power mongers to do the deciding is the ruination of man.

The social deterioration that is creating fascism promotes falsehoods as shown by the "big lie" that the election was stolen from Trump and related Jim Crow laws designed to make sure conservatives never lose another election. The result is mis-shaped social reality.

Corrupters require social reality to be homogeneous to prevent interacting complexities from generating truth. Homogeneous doesn't mean consistent and credible; it means everyone agreeing and aligning upon imposed realities.

The requirement for homogeneous realities creates a group-self. That means everyone must promote the group by aligning a version of reality upon the assumed interests of the group. To not go along is assumed to be beyond subversion, as if defiance were subversion of everything: government, country, humanity, justice and all that is right.

It's not that everyone is that screwed up; it's just that no one is allowed to show any evidence of not being that way. So those who are not part of the conspiracies must disappear in the background, until they find a method of expressing criticism of the process.

Carbon dioxide got to that point in a gradual manner. Usually, the process is almost instantaneous. Therefore, the carbon dioxide example can function as a method of trying to unravel the incongruous nature of mis-shaped social reality aligned upon a mysterious group-self.

Let's try the self part first. There is an abstract concept of social self involved. It's what creates the inviolable necessity of the result. Corrupters assume that self defines existence. Any corruption becomes virtue in defense of or promotion of self. Corruption philosophers define the purpose of existence in terms of self, since all corruption flows out of a bubble around self that corrupters exist in.

In other words, there is a group-self generated from the individual bubble-self of all corrupters. And all else follows for corrupters. Nothing could be more sacred than a group-self. Any opposition to group-self could only be the height of insanity. Nothing exists on the other side of group-self for absolutes in rationalizing corruption.

The demand for group-self takes the form of attack upon criticism. Corrupters relate to criticism as an evil, while criticism is inseparable from evaluation. Criticism creates the interactions of realities that allow truth to evolve.

Opposition to criticism results in realities becoming nonsensical and misdirected. There is no validity in opposing criticism and therefore no method of promoting group-self. As a result the promotion of group-self is all over the map. It doesn't matter whether contradictions exist in rationalizing group-self, because the supposed purest of intentions are involved.

Criticism of the fake greenhouse effect got that way in a gradual manner. At this time, any criticism of the greenhouse effect is assumed to be anti-social, as many persons have been convinced that there could not be any valid criticism of a greenhouse effect.

Carbon dioxide got that way due to its assumed threat to human existence. How could anyone be promoting a threat to human existence? That's the clue to the nature of the problem. The concerns shift away from the realities and toward the subjective motive of self-preservation. All corruption is that way. So carbon dioxide is a good example for studying the nature of corruption on a social scale.

The assumptions of a Ukraine war are just as absurd as the carbon dioxide war. Nothing could be clearer than Russia's intention. Russia has been saying so for twenty five years. They are not going to allow weapons to be installed on their border any more than the U.S. is going to allow weapons to be installed on its Mexican border. Yet the claim is that Russia decided to attack Europe for no reason, and preventing Russia from doing so is the most sacred thing in existence since WW-II.

The self-preservation motive of stopping the assumed Russian war went off the rails everywhere, such as social media wiping out any criticism of the process, as if such criticism were worse than an attack upon the election process. Pay Pal not only shoved out Consortium News but says they are going to steal ten thousand dollars from Consortium News as compensation for describing real history. Have you ever heard of anyone stealing money from the promoters of the "big lie" as a method of protecting democracy? It's sort of like "asset forfeiture" that governments do. Big tech is now moving into the ranks of governments with asset forfeiture.

It is the default position that corrupters align upon for all major social concerns. It's preservation of group-self. Some would say it is biologically inherited in animals protecting the pack. But it isn't biological; it's the progression of assumptions that result from mongering power.

Domination is the starting point of all corruption. Mongering power is required to win at domination. Combining domination and mongering power creates a group-self. Group-self misdirects social activity by orienting all purposes toward power mongering domination.

Consortium News May 6, 2022

The Moral Philosophy

In case it's not obvious why self wouldn't be the defining principle of all that is right, the morality of the subject is that morality (same as justice) is defined by constructivity. That means promoting life by solving problems instead of destroying life by creating problems. The self-centeredness of corruption destroys life.

First, there has to be a recognition that human life is defined by the laws of the universe. The laws of the universe don't exist for self-centered corrupters.

There are requirements in the laws of the universe for sustaining human life. It takes problem-solving methods along the lines of food, shelter and health for sustaining human life. Rationality is the process.

Don't corrupters do all of that? What a joke. They expect all constructivity to come out of a dark pit of magic, while they fight a war against rationality.

There is a counter-ethic that says, we couldn't miss that fact, but lying is the way to defeat enemies. The rationalizations of corruption and promotion of wars defeat everyone. There is no way out of the trap liars create for themselves beyond defeating themselves. Fascism is based on lying as the solution to problems that incompetent corrupters rely upon.

Corrupters are identifiable by their assumption that lying for the good of mankind is the only real way to solve problems. Believing in their corruptions makes them extremely self-righteous on their path to fascism. Nazism is assumed to be an improvement over rationality to corrupters.

Force Medium

The reason why that happens is because incompetent corrupters revert to force as the answer to their problems, which puts them in conflict with realities. Force creates a medium in conflict with the reality medium that defines life and the solutions to problems.

The force medium does not tolerate opposition, diversity or criticism, because truth is the only force corrupters cannot defy. To eliminate the problem, corrupters need one, complete, all-encompassing, homogeneous force. That means group-reality.

No one is allowed to decide for themselves what reality is in the force medium, as diversity generates truth through the interaction of realities. What then is the source of reality for corrupters? The source is dominating authorities. Even though there must be one totalitarian authority, he doesn't need to have brain-one, as Trump shows. The totalitarian is always surrounded by sycophants who do his thinking for him. Unqualified persons are not allowed to think for themselves, or they might create an opposing force, as the RINOS did in opposing Trump.

Positivism And Absolutizing

Positivism is required with the force medium, since no opposition is tolerated. As a result, all of the corruption that results from the force medium is viewed as the highest state of perfection. Corruption is not corruption.

Absolutizing is also a result of the force medium and positivism that goes with it. What that means is that corruptions such as relativity or renewable energy are framed as total solutions. Relativity is portrayed as superseding Newton's laws (though miniscule relevance at Newtonian levels) and renewable energy is the total, 100% solution to energy problems. Supposedly, there is no carbon dioxide with the so-called emission free sources of energy.

Doesn't everyone know that there are emissions in producing the steel and concrete that goes with renewable energy? Doesn't matter. Pretending is part of the process, because pretending supposedly leads to the end point of there being no carbon in producing steel and concrete, after 100% renewables exist.

Why then promote renewables now when steel and concrete production release vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the air? Because pretending is assumed to be the path to the end point.

The path to the end point would be the same if there were only ten electric vehicles and ten windmills. The ten of each would show what needs to be accomplished. But rational evaluation is abhorrent to corrupters in the force medium.

Pretense is more than a path to perfection; it's an elimination of the rationality that exposes incompetent corrupters for what they are. That's why greens talk of 100% renewables only. If they were to say 99% renewables, they would need a rational analysis for the quantities and limitations. One hundred percent requires no evaluation of the complexities.

The Conspiracy

Requiring everyone to do the same thing with the same reality and no opposition or criticism creates a conspiracy. Conspiracies promote corruption in a more complete way than individuals can. Scale is an obvious difference. Concealment is also facillitated. With scale, the complexities increase allowing fakery to blend into normalcy.

The largest part of the conspiracies is subversion, since one of the most basic motives is to erradicate rationality. Subversion is how rationality is destroyed. That means doing something similar to rational persons while making sure no one benefits from the result.

One of the requirements for subversion of commerce is to eliminate competition. The elimination of competition has become highly visible despite laws against it. "Mergers and Acquisitions" is the primary method of eliminating competition. Companies buy up their competitors and then proceed to subvert the products. Subversion of products is needed for the same reason fraud is needed in science: It strips rationality from the subject which would expose the incompetent corrupters for what they are and creates the endless fluidity that places no demands upon them.

Imagination, Magic and Futurism

money supplyRationality is replaced by imagination, magic and futurism in the artificial world of conspiring corrupters. Real dollars are exchanged for imagination, magic and futurism. It's a method of redistributing wealth.

The way it works is to hype nonsense into the wave of the future and make everyone pay through the nose for it. The rich set the examples which the ripped-off class is supposed to follow.

Fake technology is a resource dump that society is supposed to spend hundreds of trillions of dollars on, because incompetent corrupters say so. Nothing has changed in decades with renewable energy and electric vehicles, because the technology hit a wall of impossibilities decades ago. Yet the fakery goes on based on the imagination, magic and futurism of incompetent corrupters. Their ability to get by with it is a measure of social deterioration.

Conspiracy gives incompetent corrupters the power to replace objective reality with a lala land of fakery. Portraying incompetent corruption as the answer to everything is a disconnect from the objective realities that people need to live by. It's bankrupting society and shoving most persons into poverty, which is changing the nature of crime to more visible types of crime.

Economy Frauds



The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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