The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  146

Methodology Defines Anti-Rationality


December 6, 2023

Results are determined by the method of proceeding. The method of proceeding in promoting fake science and technology guarantees a corrupt result. How could anyone miss that fact? Most don't. Most are doing exactly what they intend to do.

Fake renewable energy has been promoted and constructed for decades based on the slogan, "on par with coal." Shouldn't the meaning of on par with coal be explored? Don't journalists explore every important question? To not do so, when the question is so monumental, shows the motive of pulling off fraud.

"The social order is being reduced to nonfunctionality by degradation of knowledge and technology"—the first sentence of the previous page. It's no small significance to overlook the meaning of "on par with coal." The meaning is that conspirators are fighting a war against rationality; and destroying technology is the largest weapon in the arsenal.

It's not that some contradictions get overlooked in producing an important result. The importance of the result of "on par with coal" is a destruction of energy systems at huge expense and major disasters for the public. That process has been going on for decades; and there are no mysteries left, as nothing changes in the process.

That means destruction of the energy systems is a tool, not an end in itself. It's a tool for destroying rationality as the basis for human existence. A nonfunctional energy system is a lesser concern than destroying the rationality that defines human existence.

The proof is in the methodology. No one could miss the fact that there is no legitimate methodology in basing the destruction of the energy systems on a quip. No one could accidentally get on the wrong side of a fraudulent quip. It has to be deliberate, after several decades of destroying a major chunk of the economy at everyone's expense.

Doing that shows that there is no price too high to pay in destroying rationality. Rationality is the defeat of corrupters. It exposes them as the corrupters that they are. That means destroying rationality is a defensive position. There is no price too high to pay for defense, which is why the military is not called Department of Offense.

The result shows how overwhelming conspiracy has taken over the social order and converted it into the fascism that put Trump in power. That process had its official beginning in 1981 with "the Reagan revolution." The Reaganites said they were creating "a new normal." It was based on throwing out critical laws as so-called deregulation.

Reagan said, government is the problem. That's fascism. It took 40 years to get there, because the social order was based on rationality with openness and accountability built into government. Replacing the social structures with power structures took some time. The imposition of fake science and technology onto society through fraud methodology is a measure of the overthrow of rationality and democracy.

Fraud is a methodology, not a conclusion. Fraud does not depend upon credibility; it depends upon overwhelming force. Conspiracy is needed to generate the overwhelming force of fraud. That means the power of numbers is generated through conspiracy to overwhelm rationality.

Rationality is alignment upon the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems. Explanation of claims is an essential part of rationality. Knowledge is required to determine how to align upon the laws of the universe. Trashing that process is supposedly the answer to everything in the state of fascism that replaced open and accountable democracy.

What the fascists are saying, with Trump and followers spear-heading the process, is rationality is for fools to be replaced with chaos, claiming degradation of democracy and social structures and destruction of enemies will solve social problems—no rationality, knowledge or ordered existence being necessary.

When Trump campaigns for a second term as president, he produces nothing but mockeries as opposites of truth and projection of his degeneracy upon opponents. His followers rationalize by saying Trump is humorous in attacking enemies that way. Being humored through decadence is the only form of reality being produced, as if social problems were solved by disconnecting from objective reality and destroying five thousand years of ordered existence. The whim of incompetents is supposed to replace ordered existence.

It's fascism as the socialization of corruption, when the methodology of mockery is supposed to replace the methodology of rationality as the solution to social problems.

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