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The Immorality Of Privatization


January 8, 2023

Privatization means taking governmental functions and turning them over to private businesses. It worked so slick in Latin America that the conspirators are now stepping up the scheme in the U.S.

The two main U.S. examples in the past were privatization of schools and prisons. Lately, the trend has been to privatize space projects. There has also been a business trend of reducing public corporations to private business for the same purposes of evading accountability.

The conservative argument for privatization is purely economics. Supposedly, private businesses know how to be efficient and effective, where the government does not.

The first thing wrong with that argument is that if it were true someplace in the past, the opposite is true as fascism takes over society. It was the incompetence of nonfunctional frauds taking over physics and businesses that produced the fascism by replacing efficient and practical results with thievery and fraud.

Thievery and fraud is the stark lesson that jumps out of privatization wherever it occurs. The only significant difference between government doing something and private business doing the same thing is the removal of openness and accountability.

Incompetent corrupters remove accountability for their criminality through privatization. Records disappear into a dark pit, often never to exist, while the public has no right to find out.

The results follow the darkness. Incompetence and ruin are the results of privatization. But it's always the lower classes that pay that price, not the powerful and bigots. Power mongering conspirators solve their own problems, while vulnerable persons get the result that bigots dump onto them. In other words, privatization is power to the bigots.

If incompetent bigots were paying for their own results, they would have nothing. They need a rip off to finance their corruption. So they make the government pay for their privatization. The public pays the expense, while the thieves do the deciding.

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