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The Meaning Of Trumpism

October 28, 2020

Losers were subdued in the past. Trump gave them weapons. Now they are using those weapons to attack society, government and social structures.

There hasn't been a name or description for the group that coalesced around Trump; but Trump's obsession with being a winner indicates that being losers is their primary concern.

Trump says they have nothing to lose. That position is about as basic as their characteristics get. They operate from the position of having nothing to lose. Don't they destroy themselves in destroying a society? They couldn't miss the fact. Yet they destroy, which says they have nothing to lose.

Under more normal conditions, corrupters were more subdued but always with the same characteristics. They always were trying to reduce other persons and the social order to their own level. They tried to be winners by reducing others to losers. Weaponizing that purpose creates a more visible manifestation of their characteristics.

Trump put together a group from the extremists that he could find. But there had to be something more to it. He went through person after person to get where he wanted to get to, which was worship of the ruler. Even then, the sycophants that he found cannot please the ruler. He expects persons in government to eliminate his enemies and turn realities upside down to shape the image of the ruler in positive terms.

When the ruler states a ridiculous claim, the sycophants are supposed to turn absurdities into reality. Failure to do so gets them fired. There is no end to the process, because objective reality can never be erased and replaced with the psychopathology of the ruler.

Pleasing the ruler is the only challenge the losers attempt to meet; and they can never totally succeed, because they cannot erase the universe which imposes objective reality onto them. Doesn't that problem say the group is something more than losers? They are in conflict with the universe. There has never been a description or label for such a group.

The most visible characteristic of Trump's, which is only indirectly visible in his sycophants, is a perversion of reality. In promoting himself, only the most extreme superlatives are used. In degrading others, only the most extreme mockeries are used. Nothing between the most extremes that Trump can find is a part of his contrived reality.

Totalitarianism results from that type of extremism. Totalitarians require extremism as a method of erasing complexities from a subject. Complexities lie between the extremes. Removing everything between the extremes removes the complexities which ignorant persons cannot evaluate.

Ultra stupidity creates that problem. Trump didn't know that Finland wasn't a part of Russia. He refers to hypersonic weapons as hydrosonic weapons. He doesn't know that the prefix hydro applies to water, not speed. Where has he been for seventy some years? He has been so absorbed in his own losing that he has never looked at the world around himself.

That problem was always there in the loser-dregs, but it wasn't relevant enough to worry about. Now, the dregs have been weaponized by Trump and they are tearing down the social order. As Trump tears down the government, the dregs that follow his path tear down the social order. They do that by degrading and destroying all that is not part of their losing group. The QAnon scandals are used to degrade everyone outside their group with Trump leading the pack.

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