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Why Demagogues

October 25, 2020

The purpose of demagoguery is values, values, values. Failures are a necessary price to pay when promoting the right values.

Corrupters have an image problem. If they are viewed as corrupters, they are shoved out of everything. They need to turn their image around. Promoting values has that purpose.

Superior values means corrupters are superior persons. Therefore, values aren't just values; only the corrupters have the right values.

But isn't everyone for all that is right? Not to demagogues and their followers. It isn't that they found new values that no one has ever had; it's that everyone else has character flaws which prevent them from promoting the right values.

So promoting values, values, values, means attack, attack, attack. Attack the worthless eaters. Attack the social justice warriors. Attack ugly persons. Degrade the homeless. Ridicule the victims of torture. Accuse the foreigners. Only the corrupters are worthy, right and deserving of worship.

That's how corrupters get to the starting point in everything. They are supposedly more worthy, because they have the right values and no one else does.

Getting there cannot be a halfway thing. At half way, other factors become relevant, such as rationality. No, getting there must wipe out all other concerns or corruption becomes visible as corruption.

Demagogues promote that purpose and they get followers who need that result. Demagoguery is getting corrupters to the starting point in life by obliterating the relevance of everyone and everything else.

In that process, demagogues are supposedly the only ones who want to end wars, create the best economy ever and promote family values. Everyone else has character problems which remove them from the process.

In skipping over functionality, constructivity, rationality and results, a lot of fakery is required. Claims can be devoid of reality, because fakery defines the values, not the results. Superior values are not diminished by failures, so lying about failures promotes the values; and promoting values is the purpose of demagoguery.

The results of demagogues are always failures due to incompetence, disconnect from objective reality and contradictory requirements. For that reason, getting beyond the starting point is never more than a distant image with demagoguery. The starting point of generating superior values can never be sacrificed to the failures.

Demagoguery is a group effort. A demagogue is picked from the group of like-minded corrupters. The group identifies with the demagogue and supports him regardless of failures, which is how Trump's followers are explaining their intent to vote for him again after four years of bankruptcy, disease, national disgrace and isolationism—lied about, of course.

Character Corruption

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What Corruption Is TOP



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