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The Motive Of Trumpism

March 13, 2021

Trumpism isn't about realities; it's about motives. Critics focus on realities and hit a total wall of obstinance. Motives are the reason for the obstinance.

All corrupters have their own complex realities and assumptions surrounding their motives. But they have a few of the same basic purposes. They state their basic purpose in promoting Trumpism. It's to defeat enemies. "Own the libs."

Corrupters have rudimentary concepts about enemies. They mostly assume that anyone who is not collaborating with them is an enemy. Trump showed how it works. He fired anyone who created the slightest obstacle to his purposes. While hiring them, he praised them; while firing them, he ridiculed them.

It appears that Trump was telling his followers, through their own "dog whistle" language, that they needed to defeat enemies and he was going to do that for them.

The first weapon in defeating enemies is to screw up reality. Countering what the enemy says is the primary mechanism. Counter-intention and counter-reality shape the war of corrupters against enemies.

If the purpose is to say the opposite of what enemies are saying, how are they going to get them to accept their realities? Nothing will do that.

Counter-realities are weaponized realities. Corrupters weaponize their realities for maximum destructiveness. To say they are wrong is naive. They intend to be wrong.

Trump was showing his followers what their weaponized realities should look like in saying he won the election by a landslide. It's an attack weapon. The more opponents say the opposite, the more effective the weapon is.

Defeating enemies always is the primary concern of corrupters. It's not something new that Trump came up with. What is new is the world ruler promoting that standard and bringing it to the surface as his primary purpose. It brought that standard of defeating enemies to the surface, where it is usually concealed in the background.


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