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Incompetence As Noble Cause


November 29, 2022

Incompetence rules. That's because competence is too demanding for the power mongers who took over the social structures. Power mongers assume competence is the equivalent of their prevailing over their enemies. Turning social structures and products into rubble becomes a good thing rather than a bad thing in defeating enemies.

Energy and transportation systems are being destroyed to put incompetent power mongers in control of our lives. Fake science and technology are used to monger power, because there is no wrong way to screw something up, and therefore, incompetence disappears in fakery. The fact that no one benefits is supposed to disappear in the frauds. If someone sees a problem in the fakery, they are just a loser, as everyone else supposedly benefits.

Of course, it is only the lower classes who lose where there are frauds. Everyone else gets cost-plus contracts, subsidies and jobs producing the expensive junk. Windmills are supposedly going to be constructed in the Gulf Of Mexico, while there is no wind in the Gulf of Mexico. No one notices, because there is no real value to windmills anyway. They will probably do less damage to real energy systems when they do nothing.

Competence only exists as something constructive when the purpose and result are aligned upon the good of all. But the good-of-all supposedly means communist plot against freedom, as Reaganites re-framed the social realities in 1981. Add objective realities to the subject and the universe defines good-of-all.

When the universe does the defining, rationality aligned upon the laws of the universe determines what constructivity is. Corrupters despise constructivity, because they lose and their enemies win where there is constructivity.

Truth is one of the products of constructivity, directly and indirectly, as practical functionality links objective realities to the universe, which is the essence of truth. Of course, truth is the defeat of corrupters; so they wouldn't produce constructivity if they could. They need fakery to prevent truth from defeating them.

Fake science and technology are designed to glamorize incompetents as the wizards who solve everyone's problems. Why then are there so many problems? Because the value of fakery is always in the future and the future never exists.

Creating problems framed as solving problems is the primary gimmick of incompetents solving everyone's problems. Just change the label, and fraud turns destructivity into the solution to everyone's problems. Of course, everyone is worse off afterwards.

All corrupters try to fit themselves into existence by destroying constructivity. Vulnerable and low class persons need to solve problem through constructivity. So corrupters fight a war against vulnerable and low class persons trying to remove the need for constructivity from existence.

Incompetence destroys. So incompetents monger power which allows them to destroy. They then use that power to redesign the world so incompetent corrupters can thrive. That means using power to destroy vulnerable persons as an ethic; so corrupters destroying can framed as the only correct standard in existence.

Nowhere in that process is there a concept of what constructivity would be. Whatever flows out from incompetent corrupters is what gets done, while they maintain their dominance by destroying vulnerable persons and fighting a war against anyone who doesn't like it.

Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power

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Renewable Energy Is An Infantile Assumption

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Greenhouse Gases Are An Infantile Assumption
Renewable Energy Is An Infantile Assumption



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