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The Necessity Of Evolution


January 9, 2024

Corrupters cannot build realities upon realities, because they do not adhere to stable realities. Endless contradictions is an identifying characteristic of corrupters.

Instead, corrupters align fake realities on purposes, such as conservatives claiming to be lowering taxes and balancing budgets by having corporations burn tax dollars on stock buy-backs and claiming to stop crime by fighting a war against the lower classes and handing out guns.

Fake realities are in conflict with all surrounding realities. With no relationship between one reality and another, no degree of complexity can exist for such realities.

All constructivity must evolve. The history of humans and biology shows why. Evolution solves problems.

Humans evolved knowledge, which allowed evolution of science, technology and government. The complexities cannot be produced by starting at the end point. Evolution requires a step by step process of building upon previous results.

Evolution is the increase of relationships and complexities of structures and functions creating differentiated results. The mechanism is finding solutions to problems without destroying previous solutions.

Conversely, all destructivity must tear down evolution but can go farther in imposing random, chaotic and non-evolved forces.

Corrupters cannot tolerate evolution, because they cannot tolerate relationships between realities. Corruption requires imposition of whim with no stable meaning. Of course, corruption never entirely gets to such an end point; it is more of an "aspiration" than end-point.

The only thing corrupters know about evolution is that they don't tolerate complexities. In opposing all complexities corrupters abolish all ordered existence including the rationality, truth, knowledge and justice which they don't understand.

As a gimmick corrupters must pretend that they represent truth, knowledge and justice as a product of power, but only because everyone expects those qualities to exist in some form. If it is needed, corrupters pretend to be the only valid source. Opponents are said to only produce invalid results.

The meaning and relevance of evolution show up in the judicial system. Judges are expected to produce a result aligned upon original documents, precedent and necessity; but they can change the result if needed. No one can force them to produce a particular result; but they tend to adhere to expectations.

By contrast, politics has no definable requirements beyond getting elected. The absurdities that have been entering politics show that no other requirements can be imposed onto politicians than getting elected.

When Trump tells the courts that they cannot accuse him of crime after being "acquitted" of House impeachment by the Senate, it is an insult to human rationality. Anything-goes politics does not create superior validity. Supposedly Trump must be above the law and allowed to produce criminality while president, because the Senate voted down his impeachment. Putting politics above court procedures is a contempt for the evolved rationality of the courts.

Passing legislation is a different matter; it's more or less the law of the land, though courts can override it. Voting on impeachment does not create the law of the land. It only says politicians could not produce so many votes on that item. It doesn't carry to the next vote or anything else.

That's why it seemed strange when journalists referred to the senatorial no-vote against impeachment as acquittal. Judicial acquittal is required to be aligned upon stable realities determined through much investigation and evaluation. A senatorial vote on impeachment is no such thing. It's nothing but the politics of the day.

Wasn't it extremely obvious that the Senate was playing fraud games in saying Trump's criminality was nothing but a life-style dispute? There is no law when such obvious criminality is nothing but a life-style dispute. The House showed the criminality of Trump, before and after the impeachment. Voting against obvious reality is not something to base the future upon.

What Trump represents is a disconnect from and mockery of human standards of rationality required for ordered existence. Calling everyone names and ridiculing everyone vulnerable shows the contempt for constructive requirements for sustaining human existence through rationality.

Achieving the aspiration of corrupters has never been more imminent. Hitler came nowhere near as close to that result. He had to do a lot of rationalizing, such as pretending to produce a superior race. Trump does not pretend to be producing any result but sticking himself in everyone's face—using words of course to say anything, as all corrupters do, but producing no result required for human existence.

Why then do some persons actually feel that Trump produced a better result than Biden is producing? One reason is because the evolution of economics and government has so much time lag that the first four years of an administration are largely running on the economy and results of the previous four years.

In other words, the break-down of global trade that Trump designed took several years to be manifested and is still churning out animosities instead of products. Tariffs on steel took down two U.S. steel companies, because they had to import raw materials. Import tariffs are the equivalent of a sales tax which increases the cost of U.S. products and reduces competitiveness of U.S. products. Yet Trump assumes tariffs are a block on foreign products and will force China to send funds into the U.S. treasury. No explaining has changed his mind, as he plans to increase tariffs on everything when getting elected again.

The superficialities of economics and government can show rapid results; but the long-term results have been inexorably deteriorating due to an overwhelm of social structures by incompetent power mongers using them as power structures for their personal gain at everyone else's expense—the essence of fascism which is rapidly approaching Nazism.

Demagoguery is a large part of the social deterioration. That means the bliss of ignorance looks like power to persons trying to be winners by attaching to power. It's the "new normal" which Reaganites promoted. Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed the purpose in life was to be a winner and rationality was for fools. Rationality requires explanation of claims.

Evolution is building upon what is right. That requires preserving what is right. So corrupters lie about what is right as their method of preventing evolution from occurring.

Corrupters are driven to prevent evolution from occurring, because evolution is multiplying and increasing everything corrupters are opposed to. They are opposed to the rationality which exposes them as the corrupters that they are and generates truth through the interactions of realities.

Replacing the evolution of what is right with the randomness and chaos of arbitrary whim is the purpose of corruption. Corrupters are driven to produce corruption and believe in corruption, because it replaces the rationality that condemns them.

Life is ordered complexity. Death is disordered complexity. Order is produced by making proper relationships between realities. Destroying relationships between realities is how corrupters reduce existence to the chaos of their whims.

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