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Moral Philosophy  334

The Need For Lying


January 8, 2024

Corrupters need lying as a control process. That's because truth puts the universe in control. Lying is needed by corrupters to remove the universe from the equation and redirect causation onto themselves.

Superficially it's because of the self-centeredness of corrupters. They put themselves at the center of their existence and assume that truth, knowledge and justice is that which flows out from themselves. Conversely, allowing the universe to influence life is assumed to be stupidity by fools.

The end-point of corruption would be totally fabricated reality used to degrade the public and force them into submission. No totalitarians can quite get that far outside of science fiction; but corruption always pushes in that direction.

That's why Trump's sycophants couldn't care less whether an election was stolen; they need the mockery as a tool for breaking down rationality. Where there is rationality, frauds are exposed for the frauds that they are. Where there is lying prevailing, corrupters are the lords of the gutters—their goal and highest achievement.

Anyone can produce corruption; but getting by with it is the test of godliness. Trump getting by with it in being the world ruler is unprecedented success for corrupters.

Relativity in physics has no other purpose. It's an attempt by incompetents in physics to institute lying as the test of allegiance to frauds and the fraud standard.

But notice how much work is required to convert science into fraud. Demagoguery is a cake-walk by comparison. Because demagoguery works like a charm for frauds, Trump's popularity goes way beyond the Nazism being promoted.

Demagoguery exploits the bliss of ignorance as a source of power. Bliss is a sign of power. It's the force that holds corruption together. Why would corrupters be so blissful if they didn't know what they are doing? Only ignorance works so slick.

The missing reality in the heads of corrupters is filled in with convenience realities aligned upon motives. Corrupters believe in their fraud realities, because they don't see the contradictions with objective reality and their purposes are advanced by the designs.

Of course the beliefs of corrupters are not the same things as beliefs derived from objective realities. Belief to corrupters means success in advancing motives.

Know-nothings who are clueless on science assume they can look out the window to determine the science of carbon dioxide. No one is going to tell them that heat and droughts are not caused by carbon dioxide. Over the past few days floods and cold temperatures are back—from California to Europe and China. Do you think the know-nothings are going to conclude that carbon dioxide cools the planet and creates floods? The realities need to be aligned upon motives to enter the belief system of corrupters.

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