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Noncompetitiveness Of Power Mongers

July 27, 2021

Corrupters believe in their corruptness as supposedly the answer to their problems. That means their corruptness is a quasi religion as a belief system.

Mongering power has a selfish purpose. Selfish means no value to anyone else. When the purpose is to not produce anything of value to others, the result is not going to be anything of value to others.

Yet corrupters are certain that their corruption is the answer to everything, because it's a belief system. So they promote it and impose it. If they didn't, they would be ignored. Being ignored doesn't work for corrupters. They need support on a large scale to generate the power of numbers. Power gives them the ability to impose. Corruption needs to be imposed, since it has no value to anyone.

This is what Reagan meant by "morning in America." As conservatives took over the world in 1981, they acquired the ability to impose their corruptness on everyone. Doing that was supposed to be the answer to everything. They believed in it.

If not, what were the results. There are no results to the belief system of corrupters but human degradation. Dismantling the government and murdering rice farmers in Nicaragua was all they had to show for results. They claimed to have gotten rid of communism, but all they did was delay the process. The communists were trying to westernize during the seventies, as they needed to integrate into the increasing complexities of a developing global economy. Reagan's war against them forced them to wait until Reagan was out of power to westernize.

Competitiveness as the ability to win wars became outdated centuries ago as science and technology created new purposes and standards which would produce new products. It takes procedures to produce products. Corrupters haven't gotten that figured out yet. Procedures require competence. Corrupters don't produce competence. They don't align upon the methods or follow the paths that produce results out of competent procedures.

Incompetents Created Homelessness


Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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