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The Nature Of Incompetence


September 12, 2023

Power mongers are incompetent. They take over social processes with no ability to function constructively. They expect power to get them somewhere, while all it does is lead them astray. They assume they can wish reality into existence. But power mongering disconnects them from reality; so they are extremely unrealistic.

Corrupters assume power is truth, knowledge and virtue, because the subjective elements of power are like a drug which causes them to feel superior. Then they assume their feeling of superiority is actual superiority, which runs into conflict with objective reality.

Going to Mars is an extremely stupid concept; but power mongers don't evaluate the objective realities of the process. Instead, they assume they can solve problems as they are encountered. They cross their bridges when they get to them.

They then assume that lying is a necessary part of the process, because they need support and lying is designed to muster support. They assume someone will know how to solve the problems, if they get enough persons involved.

Failures are irrelevant to that process, because they don't translate into less power. Why are windmills and solar panels still being produced, while decades of experience has shown them to be nothing but expensive, wanton waste destroying environments and resources? Because there is power in the expensive, wanton waste—that is, as long as exploiters can convince enough gullible fools to pay for the results.

The net effect is a drift into fakery as an exploitation tool. Exploitation means someone else has to produce results through rationality, which is a lot of work including abstract evaluation to acquire knowledge.

Reagan said, if you have to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed the purpose in life is to be a winner and rationality is for fools.

A winner is someone who mongers power to prevail over other persons. Power then takes care of everything through exploitation.

Reagan also said, government is the problem. He meant the laws of government, not the use of government for the personal power of totalitarian dictators.

Reaganites said they were creating "a new normal," which consisted of getting rid of eighty years of liberalism gone awry. That meant throwing out banking laws designed to protect against "the robber barons" as well as social programs created by FDR and LBJ.

Power mongers are driven to fight a war against the lower classes, because the problems which low class persons have require objective realities for solutions. The problems create demands upon power mongers which run into conflict with their incompetence and fakery.

The need for exploitation causes corrupters to assume they are what they associate with. It's why Trump surrounds himself with gold paint. He assumes it makes him worth gold. And it is one of the reasons why power mongers fight a war against the lower classes. They assume contact with the lower classes would make them worthless and getting rid of the lower classes should be the solution.

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