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The Nature Of Demagoguery


May 14, 2023

The essence of demagoguery is making corrupters winners. Corrupters win be prevailing; and using force to overwhelm rationality is how they prevail.

It's a reductionistic process, where simplification of attacking enemies replaces the demanding requirements of constructivity. Corrupters reframe problems in terms of enemies who need to be defeated instead of the demands of constructivity being met. Pretending to have quick fixes is the sales pitch for demagoguery.

Why does Trump get elected? Because of the nature of demagoguery. Demagoguery reverses the logic of politics.

It does that by projecting power onto a figurehead for corrupters. Acquiring power is the obsession of corrupters. It's their method of shortcutting processes to be winners.

Corrupters use power as their method of getting more out of life than their incompetence produces. They use power to dominate other persons. They assume that if they could prevail against other persons, it would solve their problems. They need power to prevail. Prevailing with power is domination.

People cannot function constructively when being dominated by corrupters. So the result is social ruin. Yet corrupters view the result as the answer to everything. Social ruin is the measure of their success. It means they are in power.

Values develop around that process. Social ruin becomes a good thing rather than a bad thing. To tell them they are ruining the social order tells them what they already know and encourages them to do more.

That's what fact checking is for Trump. It's a measure of his gold trophies for success. Every person he makes mad with his criminality is another gold trophy for him. It's a measure of his ability to succeed by acquiring the power to destroy what other persons try to accomplish.

Trump got elected president that way and seems to be on track to do so again. That's how demagoguery works and has worked in many countries. Totalitarian dictators acquire power that way, which is how Hitler rose to power.

What gets missed is the surrounding terrain. The terrain is broad-based, which conceals the process. It isn't a channel leading upward for demagogues to follow.

That terrain has its roots in science fraud for the modern world. Hitler had new technology available to him; and he expected to take over the world with it.

Hitler was no technologist, as arrogantly as he tried to wear many shoes. It's just that he had technology as a source of power, which transformed corruption into a new form for the modern world.

Trump is no technologist; but the corruption of science and technology plowed the ground for Trump. It stripped society of ordered existence allowing corrupters to prevail.

Trump rides on social ruin, just as Hitler did. The Germans had a nonfunctional system of government which allowed Hitler to pretend to have the answers. Similarly, the recent social structures were taken over by power mongers reducing them to nonfunctionality, which allowed Trump to pretend to have the answers through criminality.

Journalists, functioning as the eyes for the public and speaking for the public, saw the result only as nonfunctional government due to gridlock and polarization. They missed the other ninety percent of the problem in the rest of the social structures including fraudulent science and technology. Know-nothings in journalism imposed fraudulent science and technology onto society and disallowed criticism of their claims.

Pretending to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through so-called renewable energy and electric vehicles is bankrupting society and destroying environments and resources. The polarization doesn't include that process; it's the only thing both sides agree upon.

Being missed is the decadence of the rest of the social structures including corporations, medicine and even religion. It's not real Christianity that puts Trump in power, while the demagogue pretends to be solving even their problems through his criminality including a war against all vulnerable persons, the lower classes and immigrants.

The Superiority Of Darkness

Corrupters believe in darkness. Darkness produces spotless perfection in the absence of knowledge. Add evidence and explanations, and argumentation can occur. Darkness doesn't have that problem. No arguing is possible without evidence and explanations.

Reagan said, if you have to explain, you are already a loser. Reagan assumed everyone is trying to be a winner and rationality is for fools. Rationality is primarily a process of explaining claims.

Winners need power to prevail over other persons. Power replaces rationality with darkness. The purpose of power is to replace rationality with impositions. Otherwise, rationality dissipates power in aligning persons upon the objective realities of the universe that define life and solutions to problems.

The reason why greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles, self-driving and going to Mars can be environment destroying, resource destroying and economy destroying frauds is because darkness was the source of the frauds. No one knows where the frauds came from, which immunized them to criticism.

Strangely, fake explanations sustain the darkness with no relevant information. The fakes will tell us the minute history of greenhouse gases with no evidence of the science of the subject existing. The underlying science took form as "radiative transfer equations," which couldn't be more fraudulent.

Greenhouse Gas Fraud

Renewable Energy Fraud

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The March To Fascism

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Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
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Radiative Transfer Equations
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Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
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Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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