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Offense As Defense

May 9, 2021

Conservatives live by a few mindless slogans. It's what caused Trump to assume he should be the world ruler. He applied two or three slogans more religiously than usual.

One of the most visible slogans is, the best defense is a good offense. The problem with that slogan, as with the others, is that it isn't supposed to be applied to the purposes it is applied to. It's how a war is fought. Life is not supposed to be a war; but for conservatives, it is.

Corrupters break down rationality that way. Instead of evaluating, corrupters attack. They try to destroy the purpose rather than develop the realities. Destroying the purpose of rationality is reducing existence to conflicting forces instead of objective realities.

This is why errors in science are extreme. Extremeness shifts the concerns away from the subject matter and into the war zone. The question then is whether someone should be producing criticism that is extreme.

The word fraud is not allowed in professional fraud schemes. So the purpose is to make the frauds so extreme that they have to be called frauds; and that ends the subject. The word fraud is not allowed. (For those of us who use the word fraud, it is quite noticeable that the word fraud is not on the word assistants. It has to be typed in.)

There is a basic mechanism that corrupters use to break down rationality. It consists of simply changing the purpose from producing rationality to attacking the person. Ad hominem attack is the bread and butter of corrupt existence.

But the attack doesn't always have to be directed at the person; it can be an attack upon the purpose and standard of evaluation. There is nothing corrupters hate like evaluation. First, they are incapable of producing credible evaluation. And then, most evaluation has a correcting purpose, while corrupters are the source of what needs to be corrected. Attack is then needed to create a conflict in place of evaluation or criticism.

When corrupters are exposed to criticism or any form of opposition, they often try to get a fight started as a method of reducing the concerns to a war situation instead of an evaluation. They never lose a fight. First they reverse who is the cause of the problem. Supposedly, the unacceptable evaluation process which includes too much intolerable reality and criticism is the cause of the problem and requires a war response. So the corrupters are doing no more than defending themselves. Defense is sometimes the best offense.

If hostility is too incriminating, a less extreme mode of operation is to use strings of non sequiturs to distract from the point and shift the subject away from the purpose. If a problem is being described, an unrelated accusation will be made. Whether true or not, it says nothing of the original concern. Accusing is the usual method of disconnecting from the concern at hand.

What corrupters are missing is that the breakdown of rationality is not a valid method of doing things. Life does not exist without rationality, particularly since the purpose in breakdown rationality is to protect destructivity.

Rationalizing is that way. Corrupters are so absorbed in their rationalizing that they miss the fact that the methodology is not constructive or socially acceptable. They assume a rationalization is a fix, while it adds more corruption on top of the first.

Corrupters assume that their corruptions are bits of brilliance, and the only reason others don't do the same thing is because they can't figure out how wonderful corruption is in creating winners.



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