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Fake Technology  1

Futurism as Fake Technology

There has not been significant progress with renewable energy or electric vehicles for several years. A pretense of futuristic wizardry is used to justify incompetent power mongers.

Propagandists make claims of continuous improvements in renewable energy without explaining evidence. They now say wind energy is cheaper than coal, but the fake words have no meaning. Cheaper than what by what criteria? Coal and natural gas producers have to eat the losses created by solar and wind renewables, while the cost of electricity skyrockets due to consumers paying for it all. Cost-plus contracts are used, which means spend any amount of money and charge the customers while tacking on profits.

Futuristic technology has been up against technological walls from the beginning, while improvements have been in manufacturing rather than technology. Products always get cheaper as manufacturing is refined and competitors consolidate. Getting cheaper doesn't make the technology practical, when it never was realistic.

Corruption is overwhelming science and technology. The consequence is pretending to remove carbon dioxide from the air, which doesn't need to be removed, through fake technology which clutters and pollutes the environment, wastes resources and increases the cost of electricity by a factor of ten, plus subsidies, for a maximum of 15% renewables, which the lower classes pay through the nose for, and nothing but dangerous fraud for nuclear energy which should be the answer.

A pretense of futuristic technology is replacing real solutions to social problems. The great value is always in the future, like an apple in front of the horse, because the past shows what a failure it is.

The primary social fantasies have the purpose of mongering power through fraud. Incompetent persons who want to get more out of life than they are worth push their way into the social structures and use them to monger power. Being incompetent, they need fraud in place of objective reality, as there is no wrong way to screw things up.

Objective reality breaks down structured power by replacing fraud with the power of truth. Truth is the size of the universe. Fraud is needed to create an alternative to the power of the universe.

A lot of persons cannot understand how the social order deteriorated. Fake technology explains how—where the problems come from and what they lead to. A lot of voters voted against the green garbage which produced the fake technology.

Some persons cannot understand why social critics are concerned about truth. The reason is because frauds created problems, and truth is the only answer.

The major technology frauds depend upon global warming as the excuse. Various incredible technologies are supposedly needed to remove carbon dioxide from the air including fake renewable energy and electric vehicles.

The scheme is to electrify all energy systems. There are no negatives. Supposedly, electricity is more efficient as well as free from carbon dioxide production. Any limitations would require analysis. No analysis can be allowed, because everything about the subject is fraud in contempt for science and engineering.

One of the most obvious facts about electricity is that it is extremely wasteful due to inefficiency but necessary for a few critical purposes. Incompetents miss the wastefulness, which shows their stupidity due to poor judgment. So they base their concept of the future on electricity as the supposed answer to everything. Even though they are exploiting the subject of energy, it takes a lot of stupidity to assume no one notices how wasteful electricity is.

Electricity is a specialty product which is extremely inefficient. It puts far more carbon dioxide in the air than any other form of energy including coal. The reasons include the fact that electricity loses large amounts of energy in every procedure used with it including heat production along the lines. Typically, 88% of the energy is lost before electricity gets to the consumer. Explanations of Energy Loss

Fantasies Are Erasing Reality

The most significant fact about the modern social fantasies is not what they produce but what they erase, which is 5,000 years of developed knowledge. Guessing at the future is a disconnect from knowledge. The procedures for producing fake technology are not the procedures that science and engineering produced based upon measurements and testing. They are social propaganda procedures based upon misrepresentation of reality to promote causes.

The reason why carbon dioxide claims are so unrealistic is because power mongers need the issue to justify fake technology. They need fake technology to justify their power mongering incompetence.

There has been no improvement in auto technology since fuel injection replaced carburetors in the 1980s. Any gas mileage increase since then, which is usually fake, is due to smaller vehicles. Yet the curve is supposedly going to keep bending upward from 20 miles per gallon to 35 and eventually 55 mpg.

On the surface, the fake claims are supposed to convince the public that technology has unlimited potential to squeeze more energy out of nowhere. Below the surface, fake mathematics is used to rationalize the fraud. The fake math has many aspects to it.

The primary scam is to add electric vehicles to the brew and claim they get the equivalent of 100 miles per gallon or more, which increases "fleet average." In actuality, electric vehicles get 5-10 mpg equivalent when adding all of the factors up.

This is the only reason why auto manufacturers are now turning to electric vehicles—it allows them to claim higher fleet averages, so they can sell more large vehicles, which the public desperately needs to get groceries home from the store. Auto makers lose huge amounts of money on each electric vehicle, but since they sell almost none, it pays to produce a few for propaganda purposes.

Explanations of Energy Loss

Why Renewable energy Won't Work

Why Electric Vehicles Won't Scale Up TOP     



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