The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  88

Pathogenicity Vs Rationality

February 14, 2023

Pathogenicity is how disease organisms invade a host. It is what is replacing rationality in the social structures, as incompetent power mongers push their way into exploitable sources of power. Their hate for rationality redirects their purposes away from constructive results and toward subjective hang-ups on their personal problems.

Personalization of purposes results in attacks upon persons. Corrupters become obsessive molesters, as their corruption takes over their lives in imposing themselves upon vulnerable persons.

Corrupters consider themselves to be superior persons; yet they are always on thin ice, because they are incapable of functioning rationally. So their focus of concern is how to thicken the ice they are on. Their method of thickening their ice is to destroy enemies and the tools that enemies use, which means rationality.

The focus of corrupters on persons instead of objective realities makes them chronic molesters. It also makes them extractors. They try to extract what they get from other persons.

When conservatives are trying to get rid of social programs such as food stamps, their argument is that the recipients won't work enough if they get assistance. What is working enough? It is being subservient to their molesters.

On-line means human trafficking, as computer connections are used to take over the lives of the users. Extracting personal information is just the starting point. Not only is the personal information sold and distributed widely, the demands keep increasing for updating, joining and purchasing, often with no consent being sought. Claiming that disconnecting is easy means nothing. Corrupters speak in opposites. When they say you can disconnect, it means you are in their trap forever after involved in things you have no desire for and paying for things you didn't know existed.

Owning property is becoming a thing of the past. You now pay to use someone else's property often in perpetual fees. Owing something makes you the villain and them the victims. The same is true even if the money amounts are trivial. You spend endless time trying to meet the demands. Your life is hijacked for someone else's purposes.

One of the methods of doing that is to create demands which have no means of being met. First you search high and low for the mechanisms, which might exist for someone but not you. The instructions are meaningless quips, which supposedly some specialist might understand but have no definable interpretation for normal persons. Each business creates its own vocabulary. Even if you search the study lessons, the results do not apply to your requirements; and there is no consistent or definable meanings for words or concepts.

Such processes could be eliminated; and computers were supposed to take care of the complexities. Instead, computers are used to increase the complexities and demands for time. The result is always the purpose. The purpose is to invade and infect.

How Power Mongering Works

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