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Promoting Creates Fascism

March 26, 2024

Promoting increases the power of numbers in conflict with objective reality. Objective reality is never accidently right. The relationships between realities are too complex and unique to be accidently right.

That means, even if truth is picked up from someone who is totally correct, it isn't going to be correctly representing by the process of promoting. There aren't correct representations for the complexities of objective realities. Some amount of details needs to be included for correct representations, which is why scientists avoid definitions and trivial summaries. Incompetent scientists trivialize subject matter and sell a lot of blather, while real scientists cling to complexities.

So how can persons who know nothing of science promote science? That whole process is how fascism is created. It adds the power of numbers to a cause while degrading the realities, which is an essential part of fascism.

Fascism is the socialization of corruption. Socialization means the purpose spreads widely; and corruption means conflict with objective realities. Promoting does both: spreads the purpose and guarantees the conflict with objective realities.

If something is true, why not promote it? Because truth doesn't need promoting or benefit from promoting. It loses its truthfulness without the complexities which define what truth is. Without the complexities, corrupters can interpret the meaning for their corrupt purposes.

Of course, there is a reason why superficialities are promoted. Trite forms of realities are used as sources of power, which includes testing everyone for being part of the cause. Those who refuse to be part of the cause are attacked and degraded.

Criticism is the opposite of promoting. Criticism means explaining the related realities. The hate for critics shows what is wrong with fascism. When criticism cannot be tolerated, conflict with objective reality is being promoted.

That means critics are on the right side of constructivity, even if they fail to get their facts right. Being right is relative and always problematic; but making the attempt is the correctable starting point. Once an attempt is made to explain claims, errors can be, and will be, corrected. Without the explanations, no corrections are possible and none are allowed.

To a large extent the conflicts generated through fascism take form as aggregated promoters (conspirators) combatting critics—imposed, blissful nonsense on one side, criticisms on the other side. However, there is a lot of fake criticism which tells no one anything while pretending to be sources of information. Fakery of all sorts is needed in promoting corruption.

The fake science and technology of assumed greenhouse gases and so-called renewable energy are totally dependent upon know-nothings imposing the frauds upon everyone. If even incompetent scientists explained the issues, the truth would evolve out of the process. So know-nothings are used to promote the fakery; and they aren't expected to explain anything.

"On par with coal" and "carbon free" are as fascistic as gassing the worthless eaters, because destroying energy and transportation systems is ending ordered existence. The promoters see power, where they are nothing but losers, with no concept of the consequences of their corruption.

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