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Absence Of Purpose


April 5, 2021

What we have been seeing is how adamantly conservatives insist on running our lives. Yet there is no purpose.

The more wrong something is, the more force required to impose it. Conservatives are using a lot of force to impose themselves onto others.

There would need to be a reason for such imposition. But it is not there. Conservatives are driven by something that cannot be identified. Philosophically, the problem can be described; but a purpose can't be found in the claims conservatives make.

The closest thing to a purpose that conservatives can mention is a thin pseudo logic for their agenda. The pillars of the conservatize agenda rest on the claim that they are lowering taxes. Whether they are or not, lowering taxes isn't a real purpose in life. Recently, they tacked on anti-abortion as a method of making themselves holier than thou; but that position is a values concept that doesn't get translated into a purpose.

What humans are supposed to be doing is solving problems. The process of solving problems straightens out standards and methods creating constructivity.

But conservatives aren't solving problems; they are creating problems. There must be a method and process to solving problems. No method or process can be found in the conservative agenda.

If the activity of conservatives is a representation of their purpose, no coherent pattern can be found in their activity. What is a tea party? It's an aggregation for mongering power. Mongering power is not a problem solving purpose.

Domination and control is the result power mongers try to achieve. It's corruption due to an absence of any problems being solved. What do they do with the power they acquire? They create more problems by dominating and controlling people.

The recent Jim Crow laws conservatives are creating do not solve problems; they supposedly fix a hypothetical and nonexistence fraud problem in voting by removing millions of persons from the voting process. They create problems for people based upon imaginary fraud which produces a lied about result in the counting of votes. The end result is supposed to be a different number when the votes are counted. The number is supposed to put them in power instead of their opponents.

Conservatives say the Jim Crow laws make voting easier. If it is easier for themselves, it isn't easier for the blacks and lower classes. So they are saying the persons who are shoved out are not relevant to the process.

What problem is solved in doing that? If they succeed, the result is them dominating and controlling people, while there is no identifiable solution to anyone's problems.

Conservatives are fighting a war against the lower classes, which creates problems for everyone. Is there a purpose and end result that improves life for anyone? No such result is described.

Liberals create social programs which give people opportunities. Government is supposed to remove obstacles from peoples' lives so they can live their own lives. Social programs are designed to do that. Conservatives are trying to prevent that from happening. Why? For what purpose? Conservatives try to acquire more power over everyone else resulting more problems being created instead of fewer.

One of the main things conservatives claim to be doing is getting rid of liberals. They can't explain why. They used to say liberals were communists, but communism doesn't exist anymore. Now they found a new slogan for their attack upon liberals. They say liberals created a cancel culture; so now conservatives have a new reason for getting rid of liberals.

Some professors were fired when liberals complained about their bigotry. Conservative administrators did the firing. That's called a cancel culture created by liberals.

The way power is mongered is by getting rid of all opponents. There is no one Trump hired who he didn't fire later. The "art of the deal" is to fire everyone who isn't loyal enough until there is no opposition to totalitarianism.

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