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Problem-Solving Process


April 8, 2021

There is a process to solving problems. The process is not allowed where there is corruption, which means everywhere power is being mongered.

Corrupters lose where there is a problem solving process because of their incompetence and destructiveness. They need an alternative that they can win at.

So power mongers teach and impose the avoidance of problem solving processes. The result is avoidance of rational purposes and constructivity. Avoiding everything humans are supposed to be doing is promoting what they are not supposed to be doing, which is meddling in each other's private lives and values.

Problem solving processes create constructivity including contact with objective reality as the reference for reality and relevance. The result makes life possible and livable.

There is no justifiable reason to oppose problem solving processes; yet corrupters do. And everything they do is imposed under the pretense of being the only valid standard of existence. There is supposedly something corrupt about anything and everything they oppose. They can never explain what it is, but they are adamant in allowing nothing else.

So people have a tendency to submit as a method of going along and getting along. In doing so, they are drawn into a quagmire of problems which they can't solve.

Corrupters halfway believe in what they do in the sense that they are clueless about the consequences. They pretend to be the answer to everything as a justification for their corruptness, while they destroy everything around them.

Problem solving processes require all elements of constructivity in a taxing manner, since problems are never totally solved. In fact, problems in general can only be prevented rather than solved. But there is a fuzzy line between preventing and solving where processes make all the difference in the world.

Obviously, to solve problem, a person has to evaluate to determine the nature of the porblems and the solutions. Evaluation requires knowledge and truth. Solutions require standards, which means absence of opposing and corrupting influences. Criticism is needed to overcome obstacles to progress.

Corrupters allow none of it. They live in a sewer of unsolved problems, where they become winners at dominating and controlling other persons.

To not allow problem solving processes is like going into a room and not being allowed to touch a light switch, to sit on a chair, to open a door, to turn on water, etc. What then would a person do totally disconnected from surroundings? That's the state of existence that corrupters demand as the only acceptable standard and methodology.

The solution to problems are supposed to magically come out of nowhere in the world of corrupters. It only works thruogh exploitation, where someone else has already solved the problems. It's like insects eating grain. The grain comes from nowhere.

What Constructivity Is

How Conspiracies Work

The Significance Of Universality

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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