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Pseudo Logic


April 2, 2021

Pseudo logic is one of the methods of rationalizing corruption. It is a pretense of logic which is not logical. Since the purpose is to promote corruption, it contains points of logic which cannot be corrected. To prevent correction, belligerence is required. Belligerence is the first indication of pseudo logic being applied.

Usually, pretended error or ignorance is used as a justification. It's so human to make mistakes, except that human mistakes are more correctable. Human mistakes don't have belligerence with them to prevent correction.

In other words, corrupters can't be told. There is more than one reason why corrupters can't be told. Deliberate error is one of them. "You can't wake someone who isn't sleeping," the Navaho sages say.

While all visible corruption must be rationalized and a degree of pseudo logic is inherent in all rationalizations, the purpose of pseudo logic is sometimes more direct and extreme. Extreme pseudo logic occurs when the purpose is to mislead, which is called a railroad job.

The designed pseudo logic makes relationships between realities which would apply under different circumstances and misapplies them (Logic is strictness of relationships.) It's a simple-minded mechanism which doesn't look credible, but who cares in the corruption world.

For some reason, a fake logic is needed even if it isn't credible. The reason seems to be that a fake logic can be aligned upon by other corrupters to create the power of numbers.

Of course, logic is supposed to have a different purpose, which is to clarify truth in relationships between realities. Shifting the purpose of logic to generating the power of numbers doesn't look right; but nothing about corruption looks right; it just works for corrupters.

It's not easy to do what corrupt minds do, but their method of producing pseudo logic would be something like this: Since birdhouses have pain on them and someone's face looks like a birdhouse, but paint on his face. (I told you it's not easy to do what corrupters do.)

A well-known example is the method Microsoft uses to provide information. There was a joke about it back when information used to exist (Now days you search for stuff you can't find on the internet.) Someone was flying a helicopter and got lost. So a sign was hung out saying, where are we. Someone in a nearby building saw it and hung out a sign saying, you are in a helicopter. Since the answer was true but irrelevant, it had to be the Microsoft build, which allowed them to find their way.

That method of providing information is not really about Microsoft; it's the only method of providing information where there is corruption. All social structures get taken over by power mongers when they reach a large size.

For example, Google took over searching by starting with a blank search page which was 95% white space with three things on it: One, the word Google. Two, a search box. Three, below the search box was the statement, "Do no Evil." Doing no evil lasted a year or two until a substantial number of business administrators needed to be hired. Now they do all the evil they can accomplish.

Where pseudo logic matters is the method conservatives used to promote their corruptions such as lowering taxes. They burned $2.5 to 3 trillion tax dollars on tax give-aways to corporations during Trump years, while someone has to pay for it with taxes. That's not lowering taxes. Explanations are never produced through real logic. That's been going on since 1981. That's a lot of belligerence—the measure of ulterior motives. Their purpose is to destroy government revenue, so it can't be used for social programs. They use tax bitching to rationalize that purpose, while corporations haven't paid significant taxes for many years.

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