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The Position Of Corrupters

March 31, 2021

Corrupters stand in a position of corruption. They assume there is only one position to stand in. In fact, they view rational persons as corrupt for not standing in the only position that exists.

Corrupters do not assume there is a noncorrupt position to stand in. They sort of know that some persons try to stand in a position they call noncorrupt; but they assume the attempt is so futile that it is corrupt due to impossibilities. Of course, corrupters pretend to be "holier than thou," but such fakery is nothing but a standard part of corruption.

Comparison and contrast is needed to explain the difference. From the position that corrupters stand in, they are nonfunctional. They don't know it, because they don't have a clue as to what constructivity is.

So one way to describe their position is in the absence of a lot of things. They don't acquire knowledge; so they have no ability to evaluate or predict. They don't solve problems; so they have to exploit to gain anything. They don't do anything for the good of others; so they have endless enemies to fight.

The only thing corrupters do is make themselves winners. Being a winner is being a destructive trouble maker. It solves no one's problems, while criminality is needed to be a winner on any significant scale.

Trump showed how it works unlike anyone else. He was obsessed with being a winner, while criminality was his method of getting there. There is no law of government that he wouldn't violate for his purposes. He wanted to arbitrate existence for everyone else in contempt for five thousand years of humans writing laws to prevent that from happening.

The conservative agenda is a position only. There are no elements of constructivity to it. Conservatives aren't telling us how to bring back the manufacturing, getting rid of the rust belt or even explaining how corporations burning tax dollars could stimulate the economy. Lowering taxes (for corporations only) is a position rather an a constructive activity. If they had to explain how they are going to make their absurd claims work, they would condemn themselves. Absence of explanations means it's a position only.

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