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Sociology Of Corruption  1

The Problem With Positivism


October 5, 2021

Positivism is an opposition to criticism by persons who prevail. Prevailing is a corruption based on domination. Domination is the basis of all corruption.

Obscurantists try to define positivism in terms of nonsense, because the promotion of positivism is unjustifiable yet needed by corrupters to stifle criticism. In other words, corrupters need to negate criticism, while few words can be used to promote corruption without exposing the frauds.

For example, Nixon's first Vice President, Spiro Agnew, attacked liberals as being "Nadering Nabobs of Negativism." By Nadering, he meant persons following Ralph Nader who was ascendant in the media. But the point here is, he could not tolerate negativism, which means criticism. Supposedly, being positive is the normal and necessary state of human existence, while the purpose of promoting such positivism is to eradicate criticism.

Spiro Agnew could not tolerate negativism, because he went out admitting that he was "a common crook." If negativism is that much of a threat to corrupters, the opposite is the positivism that corrupters demand as a social standard. "Micky Mouse wears a Spiro Agnew watch."

Corrupters assume that if they could prevail against others, it would solve their problems. That means preventing anyone else form determining their own lives.

People can't solve their problems wile someone else is running their lives. On top of that, the purpose of running other peoples' lives is to impose corruption onto them. Otherwise, rationality is how people are supposed to relate to each other.

Rationality objectivizes relationships between persons, so people can have their own values and purpose without impositions. Aligning upon the objective realities of the universe is what rationality is. Aligning upon other peoples' lives is what domination is.

Positivism attempts to impose domination without the interference of criticism or opposition. Criticism is negativism, which is what positivism opposes.

Persons who promote positivism are creating peoples' problems. Otherwise, they would not be trying to prevent opposition. They expect their impositions to be accepted and promoted, while they operate without the rationality that is required for constructivity.

This is why fake science and technology are destroying planet Earth. Real scientists used to try to correct the errors, but they got silenced or shoved out of science, while corrupters hijacked the results.

Five hundred years of evolved science was flushed down the drain by frauds who brought fake science and technology to the surface and prevented criticism of the result. They claim to represent the real science, while they never tell us why their stupidity represents real science.

Real science is based upon verifiable realities. There is no verification in the impositions of fake science upon society by dominating corrupters who know nothing of science.

Social standards are being converted from objective reality produced through rationality to dominating corrupters prevailing with no basis in objective reality. Positivism is the standard that promotes that result. It says the result produced by frauds is supposed to prevail without question or criticism.

There is no science at that standard. Science is being replaced with the fakery of incompetent corrupters hijacking the social order and destroying technology that is supposed to solve peoples' problems.

The result is bankruptcy and destruction of environments and resources. The destructivity has been going on for several decades, while frauds pretend that it is moving toward the solution to society's problems.

No one can get past 15% renewables without destroying their economies. The British tried to revert to nuclear energy, but they couldn't afford to do so after squandering more money than they could afford on offshore windmills which are unreliable and cannot meet their energy needs. Germany had enough brains to revert back to coal while importing gas from Russia. Yet the U.S. learns nothing from those disasters while trying to produce 100% renewable energy for electric vehicles.

This result is being forced onto us by persons who can't add and subtract and don't have a clue as to what science is. They generate destructivity out of their motives in mongering power to prevail.

Corrupters assume in their own minds that behind them are sources of power who couldn't be wrong. They assume power equals truth, knowledge and virtue, while only corrupters monger power.

With power for justification, every perversion is rationalized and no opposition is allowed. To do that, social standards have to be reduced to corrupters prevailing with no accountability to anyone but themselves. That's what they mean by being positive.

The least they could do is stop dumping the expense of fake renewable energy onto the lower classes, which they won't do. It doesn't require analysis; it's just cold-bloodedness.

Corrupters cut themselves off from external reality and make themselves the center of the universe. They then aggregate with like-minded persons creating the power of numbers while maintaining their subjective, self-centeredness. The power of numbers gives them the ability to impose their corruption onto others.

Disconnecting from reality is an essential part of the process, because truth increases through all interactions of realities, and truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat. It means corrupters can't be told. Evidence, mathematics and scientific proof is nothing to them, while they impose scientific fraud onto society.

Being disconnected from reality and driven by motives, they don't evaluate. One of the consequences is that they have to cross every bridge after they get to it. In other words, they use trial-and-error instead of evaluation. Crossing the bridges gets more and more expensive as technology gets more complex.

This is why each country has to destroy its energy systems to find out what renewable energy does. The U.S. can't find out by watching England and Germany spend twenty years destroying their energy systems. The U.S. has to find out for itself.


Self-Centeredness Of Corruption

How Scientists Are Fired And Intimidated

Renewable Energy Doesn't Work

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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