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The Tech Mentality Problem

October 17, 2023

The problem with the tech mentality is that it is too exploitive and corrosive; and the exploiters don't get there through proper and justifiable methods.

Supposedly, self-driving has the purpose of reducing auto deaths; and drunk driving is the usual explanation. It's not a proper method of approaching that subject. Where is the data, logic and science? It is replaced by the motives and claims of exploiters investing huge amounts of money with no accountability, while endless related problems get ignored.

So-called artificial intelligence couldn't be more worthless. All it is doing, in its recent rendition, is re-arranging words from some other source. Professionals are expected to use original source material. So the rehash process functions in the area of answering kiddy questions.

Yet the fakes pretend that the process is going to create new levels of existence and surpass human knowledge and activities. The fakes aren't really that dumb. What they are doing is using technological complexities to snow the unwary, as they build garbage to the skies as a supposed indication of their superiority.

Renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving have no other purpose in the scheme of the incompetent power mongers who promote them. No one could miss the impossibilities. Yet the fakes couldn't care less, because it makes them superior persons promoting the process.

Those social decisions should not be made by the persons who gave themselves the right to make them. Acquiring exorbitant amounts of money is the basis for such socially disruptive technology.

Acquiring such amounts of money was a social fraud to start with; and using it for such self-aggrandizing purposes encourages more of the fraud.

Supposedly, laws and government control such processes. There are many reasons why that doesn't happen. One is that technology got too complex and rapidly expanding for government to keep up. Another is that the bureaucracies are close to nonfunctional and made worse by Trump and the conservatives fighting a war against them as supposedly being a "deep state." Funding gets cut, staff shortages are created and persons with competence and experience are shoved out to eliminate interference with conservative schemes.

One of the purposes of Reaganism was to strip laws out of government, because incompetent power mongers do not tolerate demands being placed upon them, while a major purpose of laws is to prevent corruption. Reagan said, government is the problem. To reduce government to nonfunctionality, laws were thrown out as so-called deregulation. That process has continued in an exponential manner since then to the extent that conservatives have been influencing government.

All and all, the social order must now function without effective government, which is the essence of fascism. So it is extremely easy for exploiters to defy constructivity and social justice by mongering power. Complex technology facilitates that process.

It's not a question of values or even judgement; it's a question of methodology. There is no rationality in power mongers imposing their motives onto society. Rationality must start with explaining claims. Then the logic of science and engineering become a part of the process.

Sacrificing orderly traffic for the motives of power mongers defies required rationality for solving social problems. Logic indicates that what mindless technology can or cannot do will be more of a social problem than drunk driving. There are methods of dealing with drunk driving; but there are no methods of removing the limitations of driving without awareness.

Frauds pretend a string of absurdities, such as technology being superior to awareness and solving any and all problems. That's not rationality; that's losers imposing fraud without proper methodology for determining what is true and constructive.

Why haven't the technologists solved such simple problems as recognizing emergency vehicles? The reason why is because there are many limitations on the technology including inadequate sensors for the demands. Sensors are extremely limited, because the self-driving vehicles would not look normal with piles of sensors on them in addition to the expense.

What the technologists have not accomplished is the ability to recognize the meaning of flashing lights. In fact, it would take an inordinate amount of computer space and activity to determine that lights are flashing during motion. Motion must be evaluated by producing several frames per second of imagery. Generally, about 20 to 50 frames per second would be required to evaluate motion. During each of those frames, at 50 to 20 milliseconds, everything about the environment must be re-evaluated and compared to previous frames based upon the supposed knowledge of accumulated information. It's beyond overwhelming of the technology.

So the technology does simple things and leaves the more demanding tasks to create problems for everyone else. Who says society must accept that standard for something that may or may not reduce deaths related to drunk driving? Exploitive power mongers decide that for everyone else.

Another problem with self-driving is gradient braking. Humans use feedback information to evaluate braking. Computers would again get overwhelmed by the required feedback information while in motion.

When software tweaking is used to modify breaking, it means the demands are reduced to simplicity instead of solving the awareness problem. Breaking requirements cannot be programed into software, because there are too many undefinable variables, such as wear and grime on brake linings which change the frictional characteristics constantly and changes in inertia with load and weight characteristics. Those demands need to be integrated into external events including behavior of other drivers and problems being noticed in advance. Nothing close to evaluating all of that can be done with the limitations of computers.

How could engineers miss those facts? They don't. They get paid to move in a direction regardless of the unsolved problems.

Which gets back to the starting point. Power mongers drained the economy dry by channeling resources upward and making them unavailable to everyone else. Then they use that power to impose their incompetence and corruptness onto everyone else. They entertain themselves with the complexities of technology at everyone else's expense making absurd claims of the problems they are solving, while they create problems for everyone else.

A taxi with a driver is just as convenient for drunks as a taxi without a driver. So the logic of self-driving only applies to totality of transportation, where no one owns a non-electric vehicle without self-driving. Everyone using electric vehicles with self-driving is way more absurd than fixing a problem of drunks. It's never going to happen.

Even the temporary logic is absurd. Why should a driver compete with a computer while driving with his hands on the wheel? That's worse than a back seat driver annoying a driver. Reactions to problems while a computer is doing something unexpected is in the crash-test area, not the problem solving area.

Then there is the problem that there is not enough metal on planet Earth to put charging stations along highways, which is where the drunk drivers are not going to find robotaxis. Why would someone who knows nothing about anything beyond ripping everyone off know anything about that?

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