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Reality-Based Existence

December 30, 2023

The social transformation that is occurring isn't just an absence of democracy; it's an absence of reality-based existence.

Corrupters don't acquire knowledge. Without knowledge realities are used for weaponization purposes. In that state, not only does democracy disappear, all ordered existence disappears.

The absence of ordered existence requires a dictator to manage chaos. Whatever is good for the dictator is supposedly good for the like-minded corrupters—no other factors involved in social existence for corrupters.

That process of reducing ordered existence to chaos began at the highest levels in an invisible manner before adding the lowest level corrupters that follow Trump. Comparing the top of the power structures to the bottom shows the underlying forces.

At the top of the power structures was physics, which instituted fraud as the prevailing influence with the fake measurement of Joule's constant in 1845. There hasn't been an iota of correct physics produced since then. Relativity was designed as a method of testing and enforcing allegiance to fraud.

No one in science is allowed to produce significant criticism, while relativity is known by most physicists to be fraud. So only retired physicists can criticize physics; and they always focus on relativity, since it is such an obvious fraud.

As that standard filtered down through the social structures converting them into power structures, reality-based existence was replaced with fraud. Trump then became a product of the fraud, not a source of it. He is too detached from reality to be the source of anything.

Corruption has obviously always existed; and it always has the same characteristics. What changed is rationality creating ordered existence being replaced with fraud creating chaos.

Corrupters assume chaos is a superior state of existence, because they are losers where rationality creates ordered existence

When the Reaganites acquired power in 1981, they said their purpose was to "create a new normal." Normal is defined by the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems. Life does not exist otherwise. So a new normal was a rejection of ordered existence.

Reagan said, government is the problem. His purpose was to create a state of existence without government-based laws getting in the way. Conservatives said laws forced them to fight their war with one hand tied behind their backs. It was supposed to be both hands, but exploitation causes corrupters to assume they are the source of everything.

So the primary focus of conservatives has been to throw out critical laws through so-called deregulation. It took decades to strip laws from government and create "the new normal" resulting in the invincible dictator. But from the beginning of the Reagan years the standard of conservatives was demonstrated in their results.

Conservatives broke more laws than Trump in getting Reagan elected. They talked Iran into not releasing hostages until after the election in 1980 in exchange for weapons, so Carter would look like a loser. That meant private citizens replacing government in international relations in addition to violating campaign laws to base an election on fraudulent realities.

Yet Reagan was invincible, as he destroyed one of the smallest countries in the hemisphere, Nicaragua, to get rid of nonexistent communism by murdering rice farmers.

Stripping reality-based existence out of government creates invincibility. That's because nothing can be defined without objective realities aligned upon the laws of the universe. Nothing defined means no ordered existence and no laws for stopping dictators. Trump sheds legal accountability by stripping reality-based existence from his corruptions.

The nature of corruption never changed; only the social structures changed. Corrupters have always been trying to strip objective reality from their surroundings as the basis for their power. They are lords of chaos, not controllers of realities.

To prevail with chaos, corrupters must strip objective realities from their surroundings. No knowledge is required. Anti-reality is the mechanism. That means destroying whatever realities are encountered. Weaponization of realities replaces rationality.

Weaponization of realities creates invincibility in social existence, because force prevailing over realities destroys all social relationships and replaces them with chaos. There is no social existence with chaos replacing rationality.

It's not just democracy that disappears with chaos replacing rationality; and it's not just a political process that destroys ordered existence. It's corrupters overwhelming ordered existence that creates chaos and dictators.

The primary mechanism that corrupters use to eliminate rationality is weaponization of realities. That means extreme lies and degradations. Corrupters speak in opposites, accusing opponents of what they are doing, such as accusing Biden of being "a tin pot dictator," because Trump is trying to be a tin pot dictator. Name calling is maximized for degradation.

Tearing down reality is the obsession of corrupters, because realities are used by opponents to create ordered existence, which includes the truth that defeats corrupters.

Truth cannot be defeated by corrupters in a direct way, because truth is linked to the objective realities of the universe. So truth is prevented from existing in an indirect manner by replacing realities with mockeries and degradations.

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Joule's Constant

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