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Reconstructive Contrivance


July 12, 2023

Rationality exposes incompetent corrupters as the incompetent corrupters that they are. Rationality does that by placing demands upon humans; so the result shows the difference between adhering to standards that meet the demands and not doing so.

Therefore, corrupters remove the objectively created demands of rationality and substitute in fake results. And abracadabra, you have reconstructive contrivance.

A simple form of reconstructive contrivance would be Joule's measurement of 1845. Physicists tried to measure the amount of heat produce when stirring water. They could not accomplish the task. So James P. Joule claimed to be doing the same thing but succeeding. Where physicists tried to use floats to prevent the water from swirling with increased velocity and failing, Joule claimed he could use floats and succeeded.

Joule lied about everything he did, such as claiming to account for environmental influences by doing an extra run, a total impossibility. But there were also unaccounted-for theoretical flaws. One was that only total force could be measured, while the result split the force into elastic and inelastic components. Elastic force acted upon the container, while inelastic force heated the water.

Physicists now days pretend that Joule was only off by three parts per thousand in relating heat produced to mechanical energy. Joule supposedly produced 4.2 Newton-meters per calorie, while the recent number is said to be 4.1868 Newton-meters per calorie.

Newton-meters are assumed to represent kinetic energy. So the concept of kinetic energy is based upon fraud measurements. Designing physics out of such fraud is reconstructive contrivance.

Reconstructive contrivance is not limited to physics; but it is more definable and provable in physics. Using fraud for a purpose in conflict with objective reality is reconstructive contrivance. So why not just call it fraud? Because the purpose here is to show how fraud is manipulated to parallel objective reality where the complexities are definable, as in physics.

Greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles, self-driving and going to Mars are reconstructive contrivances designed by physicists. Their method of doing so shows the corruptness of their motives and standards.

The origins of the problem occur when incompetent corrupters try to prevail over rational persons by going beyond objective realities, adding absurdities and pretending that the absurdities are products of superiority instead of criminality.

In physics, complex processes have undefinable variations which cannot be reduced to analysis. Yet physicists pretend to have a mathematical analysis for undefinable variations. They start with the obvious analysis that rational persons produce and add nonsense that looks like something in the area as supposedly complete analysis of the complexities.

Say for example the purpose is to determine how much force is required to scratch a painted surface. The motion of the pain flying away is described by Newton's law which says force equals mass times acceleration. F=ma. But how much force is required to separate the paint from the surface is undefinable. So hypothetically, a physics analysis would be to add some nonsense to Newton's equation and pretend that it accounts for the total force, such as saying the force equals maθ².

Adding theta squared supposedly takes care of the force required to separate the paint. Physicists don't actually do that, but that is the general procedure for creating a mathematical analysis for complex variations which do not have a mathematical analysis.

The simplest forms of doing that could be rationalized in a corrupter's way as getting a close-enough approximation for the purpose. In fact, engineers can use approximations which get close enough for their purpose; but science is not science when doing so. Science has to be correct under all circumstances; and close approximations one place can get extremely erroneous other places, particularly when compounding the errors in complex analysis.

For example, the erroneous definition of kinetic energy (KE=½mv²) can be easier to calculate than the correct definition of kinetic energy (KE=mv). But easy to calculate doesn't properly define energy. The erroneous definition of energy could be why physicists assume there is dark matter which they can't find. It could be due to the erroneous definition of energy.

The purpose and degeneracy of reconstructive contrivance goes far beyond physics math. Corrupters need fraud to monger power for the same reason. They can't monger power with rationality applied to objective reality, because truth has its origins in the universe which humans cannot defy. Humans disappear in the process of producing rationality, which is not how power is mongered.

Fake science and technology are imposed onto society by know-nothings who don't have a clue what they are talking about. Why do they prevail? Because corrupters need fraud to monger power.

Fake science and technology parallel real science and technology, which allows frauds to pretend to be improving upon real science and technology while destroying real science and technology. The sociology of fraud is produced the same way physicists produce fraudulent math.

Energy and transportation systems supposedly need to be fixed because of fake greenhouse gases. The fix is nothing but a destruction of energy and transportation systems, while frauds pretend that the nonsense is a higher standard that they can understand and opponents are trying to destroy.

There has been no significant progress with renewable energy and electric vehicles in ten years or more due to the absurdity of the claims, while the frauds pretend that all the answers will be solved in the future. Futurism is how frauds rationalize fraud, because the future never exists, it's hypothetical.

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Carbon Dioxide Fraud

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Greenhouse Gases
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