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Redesigning Human Social Standards

March 17, 2022

The laws of the universe require humans to solve problems. Corrupters cannot tolerate that result. So they try to redesign the human society to fit their motives. Fitting the motives of corrupters to human existence destroys everything humans do. But corrupters don't know that. They assume they are improving human existence.

Different types of corrupters try to produce a different type of society. The most obvious example is created by conservatives. They want a white racist society which fights a war against the lower classes. Greens want reductionistic processes that they can use as tools for dominating.

In all cases, corrupters create the problems that they pretend to be fixing. To actually fix something would reduce their influence; so they make sure everyone is worse off with everything they promote.

Then there is a broader force that grows out of science and technology which evolved into fake renewable energy and electric vehicles to remove carbon dioxide from the air. It overlaps a lot of varied motives. Even the oil companies are forced to pretend that they are removing carbon dioxide from the air, as the force is imposed upon every nook and cranny in society.

Fake science and technology found a broad-base of support due to a combination of prestige and darkness in science creating exploitability. While most subjects of science are too abstract and removed for the public, carbon dioxide in the air was the perfect contact point for know-nothing science promoters in journalism who railroaded the subject for fakery.

Fakery is the ticket to success for incompetent know-nothings. It reverses their demise from rejection to power.

On top of the fake science of greenhouse gases was technological solutions which had unlimited bounds for expanding the fakery. Unprecedented power through fakery created a whole new class of power mongers, where incompetents in science could link up with incompetents throughout society to generate a social force to override all other social activities. At this time, any social activity that is not dedicated to the fake removal of carbon dioxide from the air is subdued or brought into the pack, as oil companies demonstrate.

The nature of human social interactions is being redesigned around the removal of carbon dioxide from the air. The most noticeable effect is the transformation of journalism from an information source to a totalitarian propaganda structure. Social transformation is the purpose.

The resilience in opposing all criticism shows the determination in producing a social transformation. Large chunks of rationality have been removed from social normalcy including the need for criticism and the evolution of scientific knowledge. Know-nothings claiming the science has been settled produce the last word on the subject.

A fallback upon other authority with no concern for that authority shows the need for rationalizing that goes with corrupt power. Incompetent scientists are brought to the surface for any purpose which includes the IPCC being given ultimate scientific authority and then subjugating that authority for propaganda.

Subjective influences are shaped by motives, which means the fake science and technology show the purpose of incompetent corrupters. Corrupters need to reconstruct social realities. They are reduced to irrelevance when the laws of the universe create human normalcy, while they become dominating controllers with fake reality.

With that much difference, corrupters are extremely dogmatic in imposing their corruptions onto everyone. Being dogmatic requires rationalizations. Normally, corrupters simply love the kids and pets more than anyone else. But the dogmatism goes way beyond normalcy, when the fakery reaches fascism levels. Fascists fight a war against normalcy.

Words become alignment tools and weapons which have no literal meaning in a fascist social milieu. Speaking in opposites is an alignment tool, not an attempt to convince. Projecting guilt onto opponents is a variation of the same thing.

The power of corruption convinces corrupters that their corruption is virtue. Corrupters assume power is truth and knowledge. As they defeat themselves with their destructivity, they assume enemies must be the cause, since their acquired power is supposed to be the solution to their problems.

What that means is that the large-scale socialization of corruption as fascism is only possible when a social order has produced a high degree of success that can be redirected towards corruption. Pre-existing conditions must be exploitable before the reversal of social normalcy can succeed. Fake science and technology must ride on the previous success of real science and technology.

Yet corrupters assume they are charting a course for solving the problems of society by getting rid of inferiority. Rationality is assume to be a product of stupidity, since corrupters are incapable of producing rationality. Imposing whim upon society is assumed to be the answer to everything, since corrupters are driven to dominate by imposing their whims onto others.

Fake reality is the determining influence for the amount of power corrupters can acquire. Redirecting social realities from normalcy to fakery must occur before corrupters can acquire power. They are lords of fake reality, as fake reality is needed to get objective reality out of the way. Domination requires a removal of objective reality, because the laws of the universe overwhelm corrupters and expose them for what they are. Fakery is their fix for the universe getting in their way.

Draining The Economy Dry

Recycling Fraud

Where Fake Science Came From

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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