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Life-Style Corruption


October 20, 2020

Conservatives said the impeachment was nothing but a life-style disagreement. Trump ran with it saying the impeachment was the worst crime every committed, because it was an attempt to overthrow a legitimate government. Lot of difference there in concepts of right-from-wrong.

Looking at the words as if they had some meaning would be naivety. The words are gimmicks, not explanations. The gimmick is to switch words around for connotative purposes. Find the most extremely negative connotation for opponents and the most extremely positive connotation for self and worshippers of self. The word juggling says nothing of objective reality. In fact, removing objective reality from the subject is a large part of the purpose.

Journalists tend to remove the rightness and wrongness from subject matter and do rote description of events and quotes. Critics call it "stenography." In doing that, corruption is equal to constructivity and Trump, the totalitarian, fascist destroyer, is equal to his opponents. Trump gets free propaganda from the process, as journalists quote him without any indication of the corruptness.

Under these conditions, it's necessary to look at the extreme examples of right-from-wrong to see why right-from-wrong matters. Crime is, of course, the extreme example.

If a criminal takes a gun into a fast-food store, shoots the clerk and steals merchandise, why does it matter? Same difference.

Most people are not going to be shot in a fast-food store. So why make it a crime? That why is what we are looking at. Erasing that why in journalism and government is not logical. So the self-evident simplicity of the subject needs to be clarified in easy-to-understand words.

Crime that isn't stopped keeps multiplying. Trump's criminality might not have gotten so extreme if it had been stopped a long ways back. Of course, not all wrongs can be criminalized. The complexity of the abstractions requires that only the most extreme wrongs can be criminalized. But can't journalists and politicians add abstract evaluation to the wrongness of reducing government to nonexistence in the promotion of totalitarian fascism?


The March To Fascism

The Failure Of Journalists

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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