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Replacing Truth With Power

September 22, 2023

Physics frauds are provable with simple math. Power mongers, inside of science and out, don't want truth to be produced. Replacing truth with fraud is how power mongering works.

Incompetent corrupters monger power to get where they want to be in prevailing against other persons. They have to replace truth and rationality with fraud to get there.

Power mongering is defiance of truth to dominate with fakery. Sounds like something that hasn't occurred since the thirteenth century, huh. It's the force that turned the social order into fascism heading for Nazism. The not-noticing creates a large part of the invincible force of fascism and Nazism.

No one who looks could miss the fact that there is no significant atmosphere on Mars, while frauds claim they put a helicopter on Mars as one of their recent claims to wizardry.

The purpose of such frauds is to show why power mongers are supposed to be controlling our lives. Why should frauds be controlling our lives? Because they know how to monger power by prevailing.

The extremeness of fraud is an attempt to normalize corruption and produce overwhelm, so corrections look impossible.

Fake gravity wave measurements had a similar purpose. Supposedly motion was measured at 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. That's like measuring one inch with a ruler than vibrates between Chicago and Los Angeles.

Power prevailing is the ruination of man. Do you think it is irrelevant whether someone lies about a helicopter on Mars? It's the same bunch of liars destroying energy and transportation systems with fake science and technology.

One molecule in 2,500 doesn't have the slightest chance of influencing the atmosphere. But the carbon dioxide absurdity is the basis for destroying energy and transportation systems in addition to environments and resources.

Physics fraud began in 1845 with a fraudulent measurement of Joule's constant which produced an incorrect equation to represent kinetic energy. That error alone corrupts 90% of physics.

It takes deliberate corruption to overwhelm the social order with frauds which are simple and mathematically provable. Incompetent corrupters monger power for that purpose. They assume power replaces the need for constructivity based on rationality.

Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed the purpose of existence was to be a winner and rationality is for fools. Winning means mongering power to prevail. The "new normal" that Reaganites instituted as the official social standard was the starting point of the march to fascism.

Helicopter On Mars

Gravity Wave Measurements

Greenhouse Gas Fraud

Joule's Fraud

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
The March To Fascism
Radiative Transfer Equations
Quotes on Greenhouse Fraud
Other Factors
Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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