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Scientific Corrupt-Stupidity


September 10, 2021

Sin and ignorance go together to such an extent that it's often impossible to tell them apart. It varies from person to person. When corrupters deliberately produce errors, others assume the errors to be fact, which is stupidity.

Science has been maximizing the corrupt-stupidity in recent years. It's how power mongering works. The overwhelm of science has been so extreme, particularly in the physics area, that there is very little inhibition in promoting errors.

Maximizing errors is more important in science than elsewhere because of the purpose of science in doing the opposite. Stomping out every vestige of rationality aligned upon objective reality is the purpose of power mongers, and it opposes the purpose of science.

Professional scientists are totally controlled, but around the periphery are nonprofessionals, students and critics who need to be kept in line. Maximizing errors is how that is done.

One of the simplest examples is saying that Yellowstone is a super volcano. There is no lava within hundreds of miles of Yellowstone. A super volcano without lave is like an ocean without water. It's more than obvious that Yellowstone was an asteroid strike.

A more purposeful corruption is the recent denial that the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter was caused by a planet exploding. Scientists have known for hundreds of years that nothing but a planet exploding could have created the asteroid belt. But now the claim is that no planet exploded and the gravity of Jupiter gathered the rocks into an orbit between the two planets. Gravity doesn't do that.

The need for denying that a planet exploded was in the need to muddle the subject of the "Cambrian explosion of life" that occurred 541 million years ago. There were two major convergences at that time. One was the ability to produce ATP at a rapid rate, which was necessary for animal motion. The other was the need for minerals and soil for both plants and animals to diversify into highly varied forms. The planet exploding provided the minerals and clay.

There is a large amount of shale below the surface of the Earth. It has the same chemical composition as clay but a vastly different structure. Shale is about half way between rocks and soil, which means it is too hard for plants with roots to grow in. They need a softer material, and clay provides that medium.

Clay covers the surface of the Earth in a very thin layer. It was probably about 15 inches deep originally. In some places it eroded away; and sometimes it was mixed with other material as glacial till during ice ages. But nowhere is it more than about 15 inches thick in its original form.

Even if there were no planet exploding, to create such a thin layer over the surface of the earth would mean that it formed after everything else was in place. But it also means, it could not have existed during the first hundred millions years or so, because the surface of the Earth was extremely volatile. No one knows what it actually looked like.

So to get the thin layer of clay in place sometime after everything else was in place strongly indicates that the clay originated from a planet exploding.

The minerology paints a similar picture. Before the Cambrian explosion of life 541 million years ago, evolution of life was being held up by a shortage of minerals. The oceans lost nearly all of their minerals through precipitation, because calcium carbonate has always saturated the oceans, and it has a low solubility, which precipitates out the other minerals. Early ocean sediments were heavy in minerals because of the precipitation.

Animal life could not begin until there was a diversity of minerals needed for their physiology along with modern respiration for producing ATP rapidly for motion. Before 541 mya, pre-animal forms show up in fossil evidence with no indication of motion being possible. After 541 mya, all forms of life took off including terrestrial plants with roots.

All of that physiology is erased by denying that a planet exploded. And denying all of that physiology is a major leap forward for incompetent power mongers in science. In other words, where there is information in science, incompetent power mongers are exposed for the incompetent corrupters that they are. But erasing information with fraud makes them champions of power mongers instead of losers.

Now days there are no obstacles to power mongers in science perpetrating fraud; so they perpetrate fraud unlimitedly. The most provable example is supposedly measuring gravity waves. The claim is that motion is measured at one tenth of a pico meter, which is 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. It's like claiming to measure one inch with a ruler that vibrates 1.6 thousand miles.

Claiming that a miniscule molecule in the atmosphere, surrounded by 2,500 air molecules each, is destroying planet earth is an insult to human intelligence. Insulting human intelligence is what incompetent power mongers are trying to do, because they are jealous of rational persons.

What corrupters are trying to conceal from the public is that transparent gases do not absorb the sun's energy, which is why they are transparent. Such gases only absorb long-wave radiation which stretches bonds within the molecules. That type of radiation is only given off by cold substances. Cold substances give off almost no radiation.

So carbon dioxide absorbs all radiation by the time it travels ten meters in the atmosphere, and more carbon dioxide cannot absorb more radiation. More carbon dioxide does nothing.

On top of that, absorbed radiation is re-emitted in femto seconds. All matter is vibrating constant due to its heat, which means it emits radiation at the frequency that it vibrates. The emitted frequency cools the molecules. So when long-wave radiation stretches bonds within the molecules, the energy is transferred to the whole molecule causing it to vibrate more and re-emit the energy. It means carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a pass-through for miniscule amounts of radiation, not a "heat trapping gas."

To claim heat could be trapped in the atmosphere is an insult to intelligence. The air can cool twenty degrees or more during nights. That's not trapping heat.

The carbon dioxide fraud is integrated into several other frauds at the social level. Going from scientific fraud to social fraud is like a fungus growing out of a container. All dissent must be eradicated within science to get by with such a scheme, which means there is highly evolved corruption within science. And corruption must be highly evolved in society to prevent critics from exposing the social fraud. Nonscientists in journalism and organizations took care of that problem by railroading the subject and preventing criticism of it.

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How Power Mongering Works

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