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The Difference Between Conspiracy And Rationality

September 10, 2021

Conspiracy is the highest level of power mongering. Therefore it is the most extreme state of disconnect from reality. And it is assumed by conspirators to be the highest possible state of existence.

Of course, rationality is the opposite—connecting to objective reality as the determining influence over life. Rationality being the opposite of conspiracy, destroying rationality is the primary purpose of conspiracy.

At the application level, contact with reality is specific, complex, taxing and incomplete, which means imperfect. Therefore, imperfection is the test of evil vs. virtue for conspirators. There is never an imperfection in a conspiracy.

It isn't that conspiracy purifies; it's that purity is achieved through conspiracy. Purity at the level of power mongering means disconnect from reality, not perfect representation of reality.

So the identifying feature of conspiracy is the absence of meaningful realities. How to turn reality into nonsense is the challenge of conspirators.

With nonsense, conspirators can never be wrong and their enemies can never be right. There is no logical method of achieving that result. Getting that result is a method of overwhelm, not a set of realities.

Power is used for that purpose—to overwhelm, not to convince. Conspirators can never lose an argument if they can acquire enough power to overwhelm opponents. Overwhelm is not a process that they could lose at; it is the elimination of all other process, primarily the process of producing rationality.

That's how society got to it present state of overwhelming fascism being heroically opposed by a losing minority. Since the power mongers are in the vast majority, they should have been in the majority during the last election. So there must have been some fraud involved—so the loser assume.

But conspirators are not a unified bunch. They can be in the majority and be promoting the same standards while fighting among themselves. And not very many of them want to operate at Trump's level of disgraceful stupidity.

The science and technology corruptions of global warming, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving are promoted through conspiracy, not rationality. The defining principle is the disconnect from reality in contempt for objective reality and rationality.

This is not to say all liberals promoting those causes are conspiring. Liberals tend to be more connected to objective reality in their attempts to promote social justice. There are two explanations for the conflicting realities. One is that social pressures leave no choice but going along with the prevailing power. The other is that politics, particularly in a representative democracy, must be aligned upon and representing majority views. Politicians have no choice about it. But conservatives don't care. Their politics consist of imposing their values and purposes in life upon everyone else.

The Impracticality

Conspirators assume they are the answer to everything, while they are the destruction of everything. How can such extreme opposites be reversed in assumptions? It shows how stupid corrupters are. It takes a lot of stupidity to expect to gain something from corruption.

Corrupters assume rationality is stupidity and a detriment to existence because of the complete absence of abstract reality that goes with corruption. An area where reality is completely missing gets filled in with imaginative reality aligned upon motives.

It's similar to the imagined characteristics of extraterrestrial aliens. Persons who understand science know there are never going to be such things. But a lot of persons assume otherwise. So they imagine quirky characteristics for such beings. Such aliens will either be ridiculously brilliant or ridiculously evil.

So when corrupters see constructive persons—their enemies—producing rationality, which leaves them disconnected, they assume the process and everything related to it must be corruption. That assumption is reinforced by its corollary—that everything they do with their corrupt power is the solution to problems.

Corruption solves the primary problem of corrupters in generating the power it takes to prevail. Getting where they want to be is misinterpreted by them to mean power solves all problems. Extended from those assumptions is that power is truth, knowledge and constructivity.

The net result is that corrupters assume they are the source of everything and rational persons are the corrupters creating problems. There is a lot of evidence to indicate otherwise, but it takes rationality aligned upon objective reality to determine such things. Corrupters totally imagine what existence is due to their disconnect from objective reality with no ability to produce rationality.

The absurdity of reversing corruption and constructivity explains a lot of conflicts. Corrupters believe in their corruption and attempt to solve all problems through corruption. Anyone trying to survive the result must oppose such destructivity to every extent possible.

The Significance Of Fakery


Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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