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The Significance Of Fakery

August 29, 2021

Corrupters believe in fakery as a necessity. Superficially, what's a little fakery? The significance is that if corrupters have a need for fakery, then fakery is the ruination of man, because corrupters are the ruination of man. It's them doing it that determines its significance.

The most significant element of fakery is not that a little joking around hurts anything but that the whole purpose is to replace objective reality with it. It's the absence that is the significance. Humans cannot exist without objective reality, while corrupters are hell bent on getting rid of objective reality.

Fakery is the cloud that corrupters live on. It removes all of the problems they have. They synthesize a reality without problems including criticism of their incompetence and corruptness.

It includes broad and narrow contrivances. Narrow contrivances are bolt holes that corrupters escape to for stripping objective reality and rationality from a subject such as relativity and greenhouse gases in science or lowering taxes in conservative politics.

Fakery is a stand-in. If it weren't replacing something, it would be a trivial game—maybe with a value as a mental game. But the purpose of stripping objective reality from human existence and replacing it is deadly. It's like fool's gold. In itself, fool's gold is just another mineral. It's the gold that it replaces that makes it a criminal substance.

Greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving are designed by conspirators to produce fakery, even if most persons don't know the subjects are fakery designed by conspirators. The integrated complexities of corruption require conspiracy.

To rationalize, which is always over-simplistic, no one would actually expect to replace energy supplies and transportation with fakery. The reality is that the conspirators have no purpose in doing that. The purpose of the fakery is to disconnect human rationality from the social order, so corrupters can arbitrate peoples' lives.

The assumption of the conspirators is that they will always have something to drive or use as energy; but they use the fakery to overwhelm rationality. They get rational persons out of their way doing that.

Relativity is the clearest example of how that process works, since it is embedded in physics where 500 years of evolved science can be applied to the subject. Relativity is used to chain physicists to fraud as a method of getting the challenges of rationality out of the way of incompetent power mongers in physics.

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