The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  144

Selling Contrivance


December 2, 2023

Incompetent power mongers try to use contrivance as a replacement for the rationality that places demands upon them and exposes them as the corrupters that they are. Contrivance needs to be irrelevant to meet the demands. Being irrelevant means it needs to be imposed.

An example is the recent form of so-called artificial intelligence. It has no real value for constructive purposes; it's nothing but a useless contrivance. That means it needs to be imposed upon society or used for nonconstructive purposes.

What the new form of artificial intelligence does is scan a large amount of related subject matter and extract a quasi-average as a representation. Two major reasons why it is nothing but fraud are: One, there are very few sources of large scale data to extract from; and two, no one needs quasi averages to replace the real thing—that is, except for nonconstructive purposes such as misrepresenting.

But the drive to sell the new form of artificial intelligence is in our faces everywhere, because incompetent power mongers see it as a major tool for overwhelming rational existence with their incompetence and criminality.

The nature of selling contrivance is to make a bold claim on accomplishing some task, while the methodology is so crude that it is more aspirational than existing; and then the imagined benefits are a quagmire of confusion. Endless lists of supposed accomplishments are supposed to indicate a major advancement in social evolution. Trite word salad replaces real results.

The important thing about that garbage is that it represents the nature and magnitude of corrupters taking over the social order and imposing destructivity onto everyone. Why can't they find something better to do? Their need for fakery is their own condemnation. It shows how incapable of functioning constructively they are.

The most significant examples are the fake science and technology that are bankrupting everyone. A century ago, scientists evaluated the amount of radiation available to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and said there is so little radiation that it rapidly runs out; so more carbon dioxide cannot absorb more radiation.

The frauds of the resulting technology are even more visible to the general public, as people have to pay the exorbitant price and tolerate the environmental destructiveness, while the fakes claim nothing but good comes out of the process.

If anyone could get past the fraud and ask why such destructivity is being imposed upon society, they would need to say incompetent corrupters are running our lives.

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