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Sociology Of Corruption  79

Superiority Pretext

December 1, 2022

Superiority is an attitude that shifts human purposes out of the objective realm of solving problems and into the subjective realm of who is worthy of dominating everyone else.

Corrupters use superiority as their pretext for imposing destructiveness. Superiority means not optional. It also means worship. Worship is how corrupters eliminate criticism. Criticism is insult of the ruler.

Superiority starts with loving the kids and pets more than anyone else. Corrupters must always prevail, because of their superior values, purposes and wisdom. They believe it.

From there, their superiority demands worship of the insiders and destruction of opponents, supposedly for the good of man.

The need for superiority is a result of the need to eliminate rationality from consideration. Superiority is an absolute that allows no evaluation.

A visible example is the claim that renewable energy is going to be 100%. Anything other than 100% would require evaluation. There is no evaluation with 100%. It's the same process as superiority and worship—a method of removing rationality from the subject, because corrupters are incapable of producing rationality and any reality elements of the subject expose them as the destroyers that they are.

The incapabilities of corrupters are interpreted to mean capabilities of rational persons are fakery in attempts to prevail with unjustifiable means which are doomed to failure. Reductionism is assumed to be the only responsible methodology by corrupters. The decadent results are blamed on enemies.

Superiority is a reconstruction of human existence in imaginary terms. Corrupters must replace human existence with fakery, because they are incapable of functioning at the human level and they cannot tolerate human complexities exposing them as the destroyers that they are.

On that basis, corrupters are reducing all social structures and products to nonfunctionality. The only basis is that any other alternative is inferior and the corrupters' alternative is the fix for the problems. To not accept the corrupters' alternative is portrayed as the promotion of corruption and is not allowed.

That methodology is the basis of conservative politics in the attempts of corrupters to destroy social programs, functional government and validly created laws. Deregulation to get the government off their backs is how they started that process in 1981.

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