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How Slop Pool Works

March 17, 2021

What conservatives are trying to achieve is like slop pool. They call it freedom.

In playing pool, there are two types of rules. One is call-shot, where you have to describe where the ball is supposed to go. The other is slop pool, where you just hit something and anything that falls into a pocket counts.

Conservatives want to get rid of laws and the government that produces them (at least since Trump showed them how that works). It's like slop pool. Creating definable laws is like call-shot pool.

More basically, rationality is creating standards which define existence, while corruption is, anything goes as long as it is us doing it.

Corruption is an attempt to get rid of the rules that get in the way of incompetents who want to get more out of life than their incompetence produces. Corruption exists for that purpose; it's an ethic.

Rationality is making the right types of choices. Rational persons create standards and laws for consistency and predictability. Corrupters do the opposite. They destroy standards and laws to replace consistency with their arbitrary whims.

QAnon shows how it works and what the consequences are. Any five word sentence will show the difference between rationality and anti-rationality. Rational persons pick the rationality, while corrupters pick the anti-rationality.

A rational sentence will be structured to clarify, inform and show evidence. An anti-rationality sentence will lack structure, clarify nothing and impose absurdities. No one can miss the difference. The difference is that rational persons prefer the clarifications, while corrupters prefer the muddle. It's like saying renewable energy is on par with coal. It clarifies nothing, is devoid of evidence and imposes ruination upon everyone.

This is why fake science and technology exists, just like the reason why QAnon exists. Very few persons made the decisions. Those who did applied the QAnon standard—the slop pool standard—and got greenhouse gases and renewable energy. The persons who applied the rationality standard got shoved out of science or hid their opinions.

You say that doesn't happen? Trump got more votes after four years of destroying government and defying its laws than he got the first time. QAnon explains why. It's the preference for the slop-pool standard.

Before Trump, no one could criticize the greenhouse contrivance, because science doesn't get things wrong. Before Trump, there was no such thing as QAnon. After Trump, there is. Is it now possible to say greenhouse gases are a QAnon fraud in science? Are the rational persons the crazies trying to rob people of the freedom to contrive fakery in science?

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Firing Scientists

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The Failure Of Journalists

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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