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The Stupidity And Fakery Of Corruption


November 27, 2023

Corrupters mindlessly place themselves at the center of their universe and use themselves as the reference for all that is good and necessary. In doing that, they relate to everyone other than themselves as illegitimate, though self can broaden to a group of like-minded persons. They virtually define themselves in terms of their conflict with others.

Where the stupidity comes in is in assuming they can destroy others while benefiting from the result. They miss the nature of interactions between persons. What happens to one happens to all, but on a larger scale. It's like viewing each wave in the ocean as being separate and not seeing that the whole ocean is one ocean.

In fact, corrupters despise the concept of "good of all." They need to disconnect from others to prevail over others through domination. Then that process needs to be justified by pretending that others need to be prevailed against and dominated due to their unworthiness.

You say no one is that dumb? We see it day in and day out. The reason why corrupters can be that dumb is because they replace the reality medium with a force medium in their attempts to prevail by dominating.

Realism only exists in the reality medium. The absurdities of corruption are not evaluated in terms of realities by corrupters but in terms of the need to use force to prevail.

Force is that which conflicts with realities, which means false or contradictory realities being used to degrade objective realities. Then absurdities become something good rather than something bad in enhancing the ability of force to degrade opposing realities.

Succeeding is extremely easy in immediate terms of prevailing through the use of force. Where corrupters fail is in total and long term effects which they don't see due to the complex realities which extend from the immediate.

With extended effects being incongruous to corrupters, they are always winners. Yet nothing goes right for them due to extended effects. So they assume enemies must be up to no good in making them losers when they should be winners.

Assuming they are winners when they are losers makes corrupters absurdly arrogant and self-righteous. The contradictions enhance their assumption that someone else is doing something wrong. The more they lose, the more they assume someone else needs to change their ways.

In abstract terms, corrupters put themselves in conflict with the universe by defying realities through the use of forces. The universe is too large and imposing to get by with defying the objective realities that define life and solutions to problems.

The result is that corrupters wrap chains around themselves trying to defy the universe while assuming someone else is doing something wrong. The impositions of the objective realities of the universe cannot be defied as corrupters try to defy them to succeed in prevailing by dominating other persons through the use of force.

Since corrupters are trying to defy the objective realities of the universe and don't know it, they are trying to defy and defeat the forces that overwhelm them. So they are concerned about freedom. They need freedom from the chains they wrap around themselves by trying to defy realities through the use of force.

The way it works was describe in this quote:

October 17, 2004, New York Times Magazine article by writer Ron Suskind, quoting an unnamed aide to George W. Bush:

The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

Notice that being an empire was needed to break into the fantasy world devoid of objective realities. It takes power to overwhelm rational existence.

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